Eat A Veggie Stir-Fry To Banish Brain Fog!

If you’ve been unable to focus, feeling more tired
and gaining weight easily, then you may have a fatty liver.

As many as 70% of the population may be suffering,
Higher stress levels, a steady diet of processed foods,
very little to no exercise and other unhealthy habits.

So, how do you start to rid your liver of fat?
Well, you can move a little more, give up or cut way
down on processed foods and find ways to alleviate
and lower stress levels.

And to get you started, here’s a recipe to get your
liver and other organs back in shape.

The grocery list items:

Bitter greens, to be exact.
These types of greens help restore liver function by
increasing the production of compounds that help flush
fat from the liver.

Dandelion Greens
Swiss Chard
Mustard Greens
A recipe:
Clean and chop up watercress, Swiss chard, mustard greens
and arugula. Make sure to remove the excess water,
heat up a pan with some olive oil and toss the veggies in,
cook for a few minutes, making sure to stir a few times.

Remove from the heat and serve the veggies over brown rice
or eat them alone.  You can also add a serving of meat, real or vegetarian.

To make this dish less bitter- use your favorite spices and herbs.
Or use a few Tbs. of beef or chicken stock.

Make sure to eat some of these greens at least 2 times a week.
Also important: You can also add some of the greens to a smoothie.
As for the dandelion greens, you can find them at produce stores
or Whole-Food stores.

One last tip:

Make sure to clean your greens, (especially mustard)
as they hold quite a bit of dirt.
To clean-
rinse in very cold water,   repeat a few times to remove all
dirt or sand.