Summer is here and for many of us that means grilling.
Grilling steaks, fish, fruit and vegetables and if you plan on doing
any type of grilling this Summer, just make sure it doesn’t age you.

Aging and grilling?
Yes, there are certain sneaky compounds in Summer fare that can
trigger the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
These harmful compounds can cause everything from brain fog
to aging skin to achy joints to blue and dark moods.
Luckily, you can grill to your heart’s content this Summer and reduce
the AGE’s by a considerable amount.

The Simple Steps To Reduce AGEs!
a) Grilled Meats-
When you cook meat, (hamburger and steaks) at high temperatures,
AGEs are produced. And since the caramelized burn that occurs during
searing accelerates their formation, the compounds can abound in
grilled meats and poultry.
And what can you do to lower the risk of AGEs?
Marinate your meat in a vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil or beer-based marinade
for an hour or more. Using a marinade lowers AGEs by 60%. Natural
acids thwart the heat-induced chemical reaction that causes AGEs to
form. Another helpful tip: Use grilling foil. It (the foil) cuts down on AGEs-laden
smoke that’s produced when fats drip onto the flames. Reducing the contact
your meat has with smoke lowers AGEs by 40%.
One last tip: If you also enjoy grilled fruit and vegetables, you can also use
a marinade for them as well. Use lemon juice or vinegar.

b) Watch The Sweet Treats-
Another way to increase AGE’s: Eat sweets. Sweet treats like frozen yogurt,
cobblers and milkshakes, foods with sugar build up in the bloodstream.

c) Beware of The Hidden Sugar-
You know all about foods like cobblers, shortcake, cookies and Ice cream
and their sugar content, but make sure to also look for the hidden sugar.
Hidden sugar?
Yes, in condiments like Ketchup, salad dressings, and sauces–tomato.

d) Cancel Out The Sweet Treats-
You know it may not be possible to pass on a slice of cake or ketchup
on a burger for the rest of your life, and that’s okay, just drink the
beverage that’ll lower the AGEs.
What beverage is that?
Pomegranate Juice.
Mix it with some water and you’ll blunt the process of glycation that
causes AGEs to form. Pomegranate juice is loaded with polyphenols
that inhibits glycation by 95%.

e) Take This Vitamin-
Another tip that will allow you to continue grilling, is to take some
vitamin C. Take 1,000 mg. of C daily, doing so lowers AGEs 45%
in about a month. Vitamin C fights free radicals, marauding molecules
that set the production of AGEs in motion.
Important tip:
Talk to your health-care provider before taking any type of supplement.

f) A Recipe For Beef Lovers-
Here’s a recipe for those who love grilled beef skewers and want to
lower their AGEs.
Grilled Beef & Veggie Skewers!
3 Tbs. of olive oil
3 Tbs. of soy sauce
1 lb. of sirloin steak, cut into 1/4″ pieces
3 peppers, cut into 1/4″ pieces
1/2 red onion, cut into chunks
To make:
In a large bowl, whisk olive oil and soy sauce until combined;
add the steak, peppers and onion. Cover; chill in the fridge for an
hour or two. Prepare grill for medium direct-cooking. Assemble
meat and veggies on 8 skewers; cook, turning, until center of meat
registers 140*F. cook for 8 to 10 mins.
Enough for 4 servings.

Another tip:
You can also use some other types of vegetables like green and yellow
squash on your skewer. Don’t forget to marinade these veggies as well.

* University of Scranton, Research Dept.
* International Food Research Journal
* German Research Team
* A Taste of Home-Magazine

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