Are you at an age where you worry more and more about falling?
Well, keeping one’s balance is a concern for many men and women
as they age and if you’re in “the concerned group” and want to
stay steady on your feet, do the things listed below.

a) Straighten Up-
Mom (or even Grandma) always said “sit-up straight” and now that
you’re older, you really should heed this advice. Paying attention to
and sitting up and standing straight boosts balance and reduces your
odds of falling by 40%. Standing tall strengthens muscles, tendons
and ligaments, reducing your risk of falling by a considerable margin.
Need help with standing taller and sitting up straight?
Head to and type better balance or yoga for better
balance in the search bar.

b) Become Like a Teenager-
In other words, play a video game. Some creative minds out there
decided to create a video game that teaches you how to improve your
balance. Older adults who play video games that focus on improving
spatial navigation, decision-making and memory had noticeably better
balance after 2 months. These video games exercise the area of the
brain that controls working memory, which helps you navigate your
surroundings without stumbling.
The game for you: BrainHQ games and to order or download it-
go to

c) Ditch The Shoes-
Who would have thought that going barefoot can help you
improve balance? Well, it’s true, researchers say that shoes
limit the foot’s range of motion, preventing the tiny muscles
and tendons in the feet and ankles from moving in such a way that
bolsters their strength. So, how long should you go barefoot each
day? An hour or two is best and you’ll strengthen your feet and ankles
by 65% in 3 to 5 weeks.

d) Get Out The Grill-
It’s that time, what time? Grilling time and if you’re one who enjoys
grilled veggies then you’re in luck.
Broccoli, spinach and asparagus are loaded with vitamin C and the
antioxidant glutathione, which supports the balance center of the inner
ear. These nutrients are so effective at steadying your pattern of walking,
you’ll be less prone to dizzy spells (and the falls they may lead to) by as
much as 72%.
Another tip:
Cleaning the peel of lemons, limes,tangerines and oranges and then
grating some of the peel into a bowl of oatmeal, millet, barley,
tomato sauce, fruit or green salads or a smoothie also reduces dizzy spells.

e) A Recipe For The Summer.
Citrusy-Grilled Asparagus or Broccoli!
Make out a grocery list this week (by adding the following items)
and then head to the grocery store or visit your local Farmers’ market
to purchase these items.
Making and eating this tasty vegetable dish can help you reduce
falls by up to 72%.
1 Tbs. of Orange juice
1 orange, zested and juiced
2 Tbs. of minced red onion
2 Tbs. of chopped fresh rosemary
1/4 tsp. of salt
1/4 tsp. of black pepper
1 lb. of asparagus and/or broccoli
To make:
In a bowl, whisk the olive oil, orange juice, zest,
onion, rosemary, salt and pepper together. Add the asparagus
and/or broccoli and let it alone for an hour.
Prepare the grill for medium-high heat. Grill the asparagus or broccoli,
turning after a few minutes. Cook the veggies for 10 to 12 minutes
and transfer to a serving platter; brush on the remaining marinade.
Don’t own a grill? Just turn the oven to 350*F and oven bake the
veggies for a few minutes on each side or stir-fry on top of the
stove in a skillet.
Enough for 4 servings.

* Journal of The American Geriatrics Society
* Japanese Scientific Research Team
* Renae L. Smith-Ray, Ph.D.
* A Taste of Home-Magazine
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