As the temperature goes up in June, July and August, so does forgetfulness.
Yes, heat and humidity not only affect your body, it can also make you
forget where you left the car keys or that important paper for work or school.

And if you feel like it’s the beginning of something more serious,
(like Alzheimer’s) relax, take a deep breath and try the 4 tips listed
below, before self-diagnosing something as serious as Alzheimer’s
or dementia.

The Four Tips:
a) Get Outdoors-
We’ve said it before and we’ll continue to say it, exposing your skin
to some sun each day may be one of the most effective and cost effective
types of alternative therapy available.
Sun exposure increases the brain’s production of a focus-enhancing compound
called glutamine, heightening concentration, memory and multitasking
by 55%. Plus, sun exposure reduces your odds of getting Alzheimer’s by
a whopping 70%.
Recommended dose: Aim for 15 to 30 minutes outdoors each day, without sunscreen.
b) Supplemental Help-
You may have never heard of the fatty acid called Phosphatidylserine (PS),
but that’s okay, this fatty acid energizes brain neurons to give you the focus
and memory you had ten years ago. Plus– PS also prods the brain
to release mood-boosting neurotransmitters that lower irritability.
Recommended product: Life Extenstion PS Caps, (
Go to the sites or for the prices.
Make sure you check with your doctor before taking any type of new supplement.
c) Fire Up The Grill-
Another benefit of good protein: it can help erase stubborn brain fog and memory
lapses in as little as two weeks.
Researchers say that lean meat like bison, chicken, hamburger or salmon
contain ample amounts of nutrients the brain needs to make memory-
improving hormones like dopamine.
Recommended dose: Try and eat 3 to 4 oz. of lean meat a few times a week.
Another tip: If you do plan on grilling chicken or bison patties, make sure to keep
the temperature of the grill on a low setting. As we stated in some other posts,
cooking food on grills set at high temperatures (blackened steak or salmon)
increases your odds of getting certain cancers.
d) Grill Up Dessert-
Since it’s Summer, why not grill some peaches?
Peaches! Yes, one of the reasons you experience memory loss in the
Summer, your body is working 24/7 to keep your body temperature steady-
and that job uses up the blood sugar that your brain needs to function at its peak.
So, to give your blood glucose a boost-enjoy a peach or two each day.
A water rich food that sharpens concentration and focus by as much as 50%.
And to help you even more, here’s a recipe for Caramelized Peaches With
Blue Cheese!
4 peaches, halved and pitted
2 Tbs. olive oil
1 Tbs. brown sugar
2 cups of baby greens
1 tsp. of lemon juice
2 Tbs. of blue cheese dressing
1 tsp. chives (chopped)
To make:
Make these on the grill or use the broiler on your stove.
Heat broiler. Brush the sliced peaches with 1 Tbs. of the oil;
transfer to a baking sheet, cut sides up. Sprinkle with brown sugar.
Broil until lightly browned. Toss greens with lemon juice and the rest of
the oil; season to taste with salt and pepper. Divide among plates;
top with peaches. Sprinkle with blue cheese and chives. Enough for
4 servings.
* David Perlmutter, M.D.
* Daniel Amen, Neurologist
* University of VIrginia, Research Dept.
* Santay Gupta, M.D. author of Stay Sharp
One last reminder. Our new store is up and running, and if you want
more recipes to add to your collection, use as grocery lists,
or pass along to friends and family, just click buy recipes at the top
of blog and it’ll take you to our new store.
Thank You,
Robert and Daria Jones!