If you’ve put on a few pounds (especially around the midsection) these past few
weeks and you want something other than a draconian eating and exercise plan
to get rid of them, try the vegetable that’s unusual looking and tasting.

The Vegetable:
Artichoke Hearts.

Many people especially as they age, start to put on weight around the midsection
and this could be caused by a faulty liver.
Yes, a faulty liver is one that’s clogged with toxins and fatty deposits that have
been accumulating for years. Plus, when the liver becomes clogged, it (the liver)
can’t metabolize fat the way it normally does and that’s where artichokes come in.

They (artichokes) are natural detoxifiers, that are loaded with liver-protecting flavonoids
that enhance the output of bile, an emulsifying fluid key to digestion and the breakdown
of fats. This primes the body to melt fat around all problem areas, especially the
stomach area.

So, if you’re hoping to fit into that bikini or speedo, (men) this May or June, you have
4 months to do it.

Your Rx:
Head to your local grocery store and look for fresh or canned artichoke hearts (in water)
and toss them into salads, soups, stir-fries or stews, about 1/2 daily cup should be
enough to help you get that lean and mean “beach body.”
Important tip:
If your grocery store or supermarket has a discount rack, (2 to 3 day old produce on
sale), look for fresh artichokes, bring them home, go online to youtube.com
and look for videos on how to cut, clean and prepare them.

* Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph. D. Wellnesss Coach and Author of Radical
* Journal of Alternative Healthcare

Please make sure to pass this article on to family and friends who are looking
for that “magic miracle cure” for their expanded waistlines.
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