Drop Winter weight with Smoothies!

Need to drop a few pounds after overdoing it from Halloween right up until
the New Year?
Well, you may want to add a blue-green algae “superfood” to smoothies,
smoothie bowls, bowls of oatmeal or cups of green tea.
The Blue-Green Algae “Superfood:”

It’s a deep sea toxin magnet that’ll help you sail into Spring with a new and
improved body.

Spirulina works by flushing toxins, the toxins that keep weight on your stomach,
hips, back, legs, face and neck.
It also gets its vibrant color from chlorophyll, a plant pigment that binds to
damaging toxins and ushers them out of your body. Researchers say that adding
more chlorophyll-rich ingredients to your diet slashes toxins stored in fat cells
by 50% in less than 7 days, instantly shrinking fat stores.
And that’s not all, here are two more benefits one can get from Spirulina.
* Eliminate Inflammation-
People are flooding the internet, looking for ways to rid their bodies of inflammation,
and if this is your situation and you want something natural, look no further than
spirulina. This superfood is loaded with a powerful antioxidant (phycocyanin) that collects
and disposes of damaging free radicals before they can cause the cellular inflammation
linked to weight gain, heart disease and diabetes. Take a daily dose of spirulina and you
reduce levels of key inflammatory markers by 30% in less than 4 months.
* No More Allergies-
Spring is less than 8 weeks away and if you want to avoid the sniffling, sneezing and
itching take 1 tsp. of spirulina everyday. The blue-green algae is packed with compounds
(carotenoids) that calm immune cells and reduce the production of allergy-causing
histamines by 35%.

Now that you know a little about spirulina and its ability to help you shed those
extra pounds, here are 3 smoothies (using Spirulina) to get you started on
your new health journey.

Smoothie No. 1-
Cherry-Berry Blastoff-
1 cup of cranberry-cherry juice, read the label and watch for sugar
1/2 cup of blackberries
1/2 tsp. of spirulina powder
To make:
Place all ingredients in a blender or juicer and puree until smooth.
Add Ice if you want your smoothie cold. Garnish with berries for a decorative look.
Calories-155 per serving
Health Benefits: In addition to taking off extra pounds, this smoothie will keep
skin looking youthful and taut, thanks to the blackberries.

Smoothie No. 2-
Mixed Berry Zinger-
1 1/2 cups of raspberries, (frozen or fresh)
1/2 cup of strawberries, (frozen or fresh)
1/4 tsp. of spirulina powder
2 tsp. of dark honey
2 tsp. of lime juice
To make:
Place all ingredients into a blender or juicer, blend until smooth.
Garnish with a strawberry and mint leaves.
Calories-185 per serving
Health Benefits: Strawberries help boost energy levels by 35%.

Smoothie No. 3-
Pineapple Kiwi Power Smoothie-
1 kiwi, peeled and diced
1/2 banana, peeled
1/2 cup of baby spinach
1/2 cup of unsweetened pineapple juice
1 tsp. of Spirulina powder
To make:
Place all ingredients into a blender or juicer, blend until smooth, and
garnish with a few sunflower seeds or toasted pistachios.
Calories-180 per serving
Health Benefits- Spinach contains nitrates, which help muscles grow by 20%.

That’s it, your guide to taking off winter weight using the blue-green algae
superfood aka Spirulina.

* Korean Research Team
* Green Living, Magazine
* Life Extension, Magazine
* Living Vegan, Magazine
Some Extras:

* Go online to find out which brand of Spirulina is best for you.

* If you want more information on losing those Winter pounds, head to Amazon.com/
the kindle store and type, The Thin Girl’s Guide to Losing Winter Weight in the search bar
and download it for some great tips.

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