The Greek Secret To Control Appetite!

The Greeks, like the Italians are known for their
healthy diets and long life-spans, and the one food
that helps both cultures is the golden elixir.

Also known as Olive Oil.
Popular chef and T.V. host  Maria Loi
from the
PBS series ( Secrets of the Mediterranean)
has just revealed that after abandoning her
usual diet plan using olive oil,
she promptly gained 40 pounds and felt
lethargic and elderly.

And to regain her youthful exuberance, she restarted
her olive oil regiment and in no time, lost the weight
and is back to feeling like a woman 20 to 30 years younger.

What is it about olive oil that makes it so
beneficial to our health?

It’s made up of about 70% oleic acid, a fatty acid
that works likes an appetite suppressant.

But wait, there’s more- the oleic acid and polyphenols,
(antioxidants) help you block fat absorption, improve
blood sugar levels,lowers risk of heart attacks and
gets rid of inflammation throughout
your whole body.

So, if you’ve been contemplating a diet pill from the
pharmacy, or going on another Crash diet, stop-
and get out the olive oil.

Use it in salads, add it to stir-fries, or put some
on gluten-free bread along with some garlic and
watch the aches and pain and weight melt away.

And here’s a recipe from the T.V. chef Maria Loi,
and her new cookbook, “the Greek diet”
available at kindle store.

Easy Greek Soup!
1 can of cannellini beans (rinsed and drained)
1 cans of tomatoes, roma, plum, Italian style 28 oz.
1 red onion (finely chopped)
1 carrots, chopped
1/2 cup of olive oil mixed with 1 tsp. of tomato paste
2 stalks of celery
fresh parsley,  (or dried) to taste

Fill a large pot with water, bring to a boil,
add the beans, reduce the heat to medium
or low.
Add the rest of the ingredients, (minus the celery
and parsley) stir well and let
this cook for 25 to 30 minutes; making sure
to stir.
Lastly, add some of your favorite spices:
salt, pepper, cumin, oregano, celery and parsley.
Cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat and serve hot.
Serves 4.

You can always add some cubed beef or cut up chicken
and some gluten-free bread, warmed in the oven with
olive oil and garlic.

Important tip:
When buying olive oil, make sure to buy a top quality
brand. Ask some questions and search online.
Too many producers mix the oil with other oils and
charge you a small fortune.