According to some researchers if you want to live a long healthy life you may
want to copy some of the secrets your brothers and sisters in Greece use.
People in some parts of Greece (Crete and Ikaria) live well into their 90’s
and beyond without any of the debilitating health problems you see in the U.S.

How do they do it, you ask?
With a salad. A salad?
Yes, a salad made with greens, olive oil, tomatoes, feta cheese and beans.
And if you’re not convinced that a regular old salad can help you live til
your 80’s and 90’s, read on for more details.

a) Olive Oil-
Extra virgin olive oil to be exact. A tablespoon of olive oil each day lowers heart
disease risk by 25%. The healthy fats in olive oil (oleic acid) blocks the formation
of artery-stiffening plaque.

b) Feta Cheese-
All types of cheese seem to get a bad rap these days as too-fattening and not
good for you, but a little feta each day can reduce your heart disease risk by 15%.
Feta cheese is unique in that it contains a number of healthy ingredients that
strengthen your heart tissues.

c) Legumes-
You may already know that some of the World’s longest living residents
consume legumes (beans) on a regular basis and if you want to cut
your risk of heart disease by 22%, then you too, should eat more beans.
Compounds in legumes lower production of artery-clogging fats called
triglycerides. Enjoy lentil soup, kidney beans over rice or chickpeas,
use them to make hummus or add them to salads or veggie stir-fries.

d) Greens-
Romaine lettuce, Swiss Chard and spinach are all good for the heart thanks
to the nutrients in them. Plus, these same nutrients keep the arteries flexible
and clear of plaque and harmful fats.

e) Tomatoes-
Help reduce heart disease risk by 33%. Tomatoes contain lycopene, the pigment
that gives tomatoes their bright red color-and blocks your absorption of dietary
fats, plus it reduces your liver’s production of “bad” LDL cholesterol.
Try and eat a cup of raw or cooked (tomato sauce) tomatoes daily.

f) Avocados-
Although they’re a fat, it’s a good fat that help keep arteries clean and smooth.
Another benefit: they also contain fiber, a type of fiber that helps you feel full faster,
allowing you to shed weight more easily.

So, there you have it, one of the secrets that the people of Greece use to keep
their hearts in tip-top shape as they get older.
If you’re a fan of salads, start making them with the ingredients listed above
and use some olive oil, lemon juice, spices and herbs as your dressing.

* Journal -Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
* British Research Team
* John Hopkins Univ. Research Dept.

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