Researchers are sounding the alarm about getting more protein especially
for those who are 50 and over, but must we get it from dairy products
and meat?

In a word, No.
Believe it or not, you can also get protein from grains.
That’s right, if you’re cutting back on or even cutting out dairy and meat
in favor of a plant-based diet, you’re in luck.

According to researchers, you can get enough protein from a number of
different grains.
Grains? Yes, they are primarily carbohydrates, but grains can also supply
you with ample amounts of protein.

Protein-especially as you get older, is crucial for muscle development, bone
health, healthy digestion and more.
Plus, whole grains are a great source of fiber, which is important for digestion
and gut health, as well as probiotics which help support the healthy bacteria
in your digestive systems.

So, if you want to increase the amount of protein in your diet, but want
something other than dairy and meat, here are the 6 top grain choices.

1) Quinoa-
The best known grain (actually a seed) on the list and it’s gaining in popularity
in a lot of households. Look for a top quality quinoa at any grocery store.
Use it like rice and serve it with stir-fried veggies or for breakfast with some
some fresh or frozen fruit.

2) Wild Rice-
Also popular on a lot of American tables and if you enjoy brown or
white rice, pick up some wild rice for lunch or dinner.

3) Amaranth-

4) Sorghum-

5) Farro-

6) Teff-

These whole grains aren’t as popular here as they are in Africa, India, the
Mediterranean,and Middle Eastern countries. Use these grains as you would
polenta, porridge or in place of popcorn.

This list is short on details, but if you want more info on the benefits
of the 6 grains, the vitamins and nutrients in them or how to use and
cook these grains, go to the
Once there, type the 6 top Grains that are high in Protein in the subject line
and read the full article.

* Whole Grains Council
* Megan Hilbert, M.S. & R.D. N. of Top Nutrition Coaching
* Article by Natalie Rizzo, M.S. R.D.
* Article Reviewed by Jessica Ball, M.S. R.D.

Please pass this article on to any family or friends who want more
protein in their diets, but don’t want to eat meat and dairy or drink dairy.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram, (stories), Pinterest, Snapchat,
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