Make your weight loss resolution for the new year easier.

As we get ready to welcome in another new year, we’ll continue to bring you
more articles on weight loss. More specifically, losing that weight you gained
during the winter months.

And today’s article is dedicated to a piece of furniture.
A piece of furniture?
Yes, the piece of furniture: A Mirror.

That’s right, if you’re familiar with the law of attraction, (LOA), then you may
already know about the mirror and it’s ability to help you boost self esteem,
attract money, and enhance body positivity.
Well today, researchers say that a few minutes spent in front of a mirror
can help you lose weight and feel better about yourself.

Researchers discovered that overweight subjects who were told to
take a look at their figures a few times a day, without judgement
or negative talk, reduced anxiety and body dissatisfaction, plus they
engaged in more healthy activities to promote weight loss.

So, if you have a diet planned for the first (or second) of Jan. an
exercise plan, just make sure to add this final tool to really make your
weight loss dreams come true.

To Use The Mirror:
Stand in front of a mirror, (full or half length) and say a few positive
affirmations, like-“My diet and exercise plan are really working and I
can see some positive results” or ” Each day in every way, I am
getting slimmer and healthier” or “I enjoy eating well and exercising,
because it makes me feel great and hopefully, I’ll live a longer, healthier
life.” Or go online and find a mantra or affirmation you prefer and
stand in front of a mirror, 2 to 3 times a day for 5 to 10 minutes, reciting
that mantra or affirmation.
That’s it- for today, Good Luck!

* Journal of Clinical Nursing
* Texas Woman’s University- Medical Research Dept.

Please pass this incredibly simple technique on to family and friends
who complain about gaining weight during the cold months.
Pass it along on Facebook, Tik-Tok, Reddit, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest,
Snapchat and Twitter.

And one last request:
If you want to see more articles like this or one of the other 580 articles
already posted, do us a favor and tap on the donate button (at the top of the page)
and leave a tip, (small or large). Any help will be appreciated, as it allows
us to continue to hunt down, research and then post these articles to you-the

From the creator and writers at
Happy Holidays!