When one thinks of longevity, what comes to mind?
Hours spent exercising, spartan diets of only fruits and vegetables,
2 or 3 day water fasts and long sessions of meditation, essentially the
boring and unexciting things.
But hold on, according to new research, you can also do “fun things”
and increase your odds of living till age 90 by 25%, what types of fun things,
you ask-just continue reading for the answers.

The Fun Longevity Secrets:
a) Head Outdoors-
Spending just a mere 5 minutes outside makes you feel more energized and
alive. And that can boost self-esteem and moods. Plus, heading outdoors
increases the odds you’ll engage in other activities like walking, bird watching,
biking or gardening, all of which also increase longevity.

b) Remove The Shoes-
In most parts of Asia it’s customary to remove shoes, but were you aware that
walking outside without shoes can also improve your health. Walking outdoors
without shoes is called “grounding” and it increases the flow of “free electrons”
from the Earth into our bodies. And doing it for 10 to 15 minutes a day, can improve
health by 70%, by reducing chronic pain and inflammation, both of which shorten
our lives. Not able to walk outdoors barefoot? Well, you can wear shoes with
leather soles and also wear cotton socks. Both leather and cotton are more
conducive than synthetic materials, allowing the body to soak up more of
the Earth’s healing electrons.

c) Playing With Fido-
Or FiFi or Lady. Pet owners seem to live longer and new research backs that
up, not only do pets keep you active and reduce stress levels, they also strengthen
immune systems, which lessens your odds of getting sick. And something even better:
If you do get sick, knowing that a pet who loves you is waiting at home, helps you heal
faster. Not able to own a pet? Think about heading to the local pet shelter and asking
if you can clean the cages, take the dogs out for walks or play with the cats.

d) Dancing-
It’s no secret we love shows or entertainment venues that feature dancing,
but instead of just watching, why not take a dance class or watch youtube videos
that teaches you new steps. Doing so may increase your life. It (dancing) is a heart
healthy aerobic activity. And doing all of that dancing not only benefits the body,
it benefits the brain as well. Learning and practicing new dance steps helps
your brain and that may keep Alzheimer’s and other memory problems at bay.

e) Spend Time With-
Loved ones, friends or coworkers. Just spending time with neighbors or family
not only does wonders for our health, it may also increase our life spans.
According to researchers, this tip alone may be more valuable than the other
tips. So, make sure to spend time with positive and upbeat friends and family
once, twice or even three times a week. Make potluck or work on arts and crafts
or play cards or board games. And if you’re not able to get out or you don’t have
family and friends nearby, go to your laptop and have zoom sessions.

f) Read Something-
Be it a newspaper, steamy adult novel or news sites on the internet, reading
something each day may increase your life span by 3 years. Reading boosts
brain health and lowers levels of cortisol (the stress hormones) and some other

That’s it- 6 simple things you can do right now to add an extra, 1, 2 or 5 years
to your life.
Good Luck!

* James Templeton, Businessman and Author
* University of Rochester, New York
* Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience

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