We’re only weeks away from bathing suit season, are you ready for it?
Well, if you’re still not in bikini or speedo shape, there’s a simple trick
that may help you.
The trick:
Eat more fruit.

That’s right, often dismissed as too high in calories or too sweet, researchers
now say a bowl (or two) of fruit each day, may be the key to helping you
speed up your weight loss.

Why fruit?
Fruit is packed with slimming compounds (phenolics) that boost fat-burning
metabolic rate, tamp down appetite and cravings, plus stop dietary fats and
sugars from being converted into body fat.

So, if shedding excess weight this Spring is a goal, please look into
having some fruit to help aid you in this endeavor.

More tips:
Make sure the rest of your diet is nutritionally sound.
Simply put, you can’t have a stack of pancakes with syrup,
cups of coffee with cream and sugar, bacon or sausage
and then a bowl of fruit.
Again, make wise choices like 2 eggs with turkey bacon
and follow it up with a bowl of fruit.
And dinner could be, 6 oz. of salmon, 1 cup of brown rice
with some vegetables, and then a bowl of fruit for dessert.

Another tip:
When choosing the fruit, make it mostly low-fat fruit.
An example: A bowl of berries, a sliced green apple and 1 banana.
Or berries with 1/2 avocado and some orange slices.
You can have bananas, mangoes, avocados, slices of pineapple
and grapes, but you’ll only impede your weight loss efforts.
So, lose weight first and then go ahead and have 1 mango or 1 avocado.

* Journal Nutrients
* Norwegian Research Team
* Cleveland Clinic

Please make sure to pass this tip along to friends and family who
are looking for the next “magic bullet” to help them shed those
winter pounds. Share this tip over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram,
Pinterest, Reddit, Tik-Tok, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
