The benefits of a Raw food diet to combat the “Winter blues.”

With the cold months quickly approaching, far too many people give themselves
permission to indulge. Indulge in all of the food that’s available from Halloween right up
until New Year’s day.

And if this is you, researchers say that indulging in carb-heavy, rich foods can do
more than just expand your waistline, it also increases depression and blue moods.
Foods like pasta, potatoes, sweets, (cupcakes and pies), rolls, biscuits, meats smothered
in gravy and sweet beverages not only blocks blood flow to the heart, but to the brain
as well.

So, what should you do to avoid the blue and depressive moods?
Go raw. As in eat more fruits and vegetables in their natural state.
Consume more raw fruit and vegetables and you’ll be 45% more likely
to experience positive moods than those who eat cooked food.
Researchers say that cooking and high-heat processing of food degrades
nutrients that are critical to balancing the hormonal systems that govern
emotional well-being.

That’s it, a quick “how-to” guide as to how you can avoid the dark and blue
moods that are too often associated with the cold and dreary months.
Another tip:
If salads with dressings and bowls of fruit get boring and you feel like giving up,
head to and type recipes for raw fruits and vegetables in the search

* Journal-Frontiers In Psychology
* The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Please make sure you share this article with family and friends who love
indulging in Thanksgiving and Christmas goodies and then complain
about lack of energy and blue moods.
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