The “Love” foods from France!
Valentine’s day is almost here and there’s only one question for you,
are you prepared?

Prepared as in the foods you’re going to make to ensure a night of passion.
Wait, you’re not sure what foods those are?
No problem, we’ve got you covered, we took the time to scan
documents, articles, books and journals and we came up with
some foods that are readily available here, but in France, they’re
considered staples.

Staples that work with your body chemistry to boost feelings of
tenderness, warmth and red-hot passion.

So, if you’re ready, sit back, grab a pen and a glass of wine and copy the
following tips.

Tip No. 1-
Eat and Drink Chocolate-
No surprise here, the go-to gift on this special day (Feb.14th) is loaded with
2 compounds: theobromine, which induces a sense of euphoria, and
methylxanthine, which makes the skin more sensitive to touch.
And together, they have a Viagra-like effect, releasing nitric oxide,
which rushes blood to key organs, (sex organs) to be exact.
To get these benefits-make sure to eat a little (top quality) dark chocolate
or drink some (top quality) hot cocoa each day to enhance libido and
sexual function.

Tip No. 2-
Wine is the most popular beverage in France, and that’s good since it’s
loaded with beneficial antioxidants. These antioxidants do everything from staving
off aging and keeping you younger, and polyphenols, which lower inhibitions.
Yes, you can enjoy a satisfying love life by drinking wine, but if you want to stimulate
blood flow to areas that arouse passion, splurge and buy a bottle of Champagne.

Tip No. 3-
Say Cheese-
In addition to saying it, make sure you also buy some. People in France often end
meals with ripe cheese, which is proven to lower anxiety and tension, thanks to
the mineral magnesium, calming calcium and happiness-boosting vitamin D.
Cheese also boasts a stimulating chemical that increases dopamine, heightening
the attraction you feel for each other by re-creating the “high” of new love.
And some more good news: Just inhaling the scent can boost your desire.
Another pleasant scent: Garlic spread on buttered bread and then baked in
the oven.
Look for a top quality cheese and avoid the low-cost brands (just for this day
Feb. 14th).

Tip No. 4-
Help From The Sea-
Or ocean. Simply put, eat oysters to increase passion. Oysters are considered
the most “sensual” French food and it’s not just hyperbole. Oysters are full of zinc,
a top component in testosterone production, which contributes to libido in men
and women. Oysters also have 2 rarely found amino acids (D-aspartic acid
and N-methyl-D-aspartame), which have aphrodisiac-like effects.
Another benefit: the omega-3 fatty acids in oysters enhance moods.

Tip No 5-
Head to Starbucks-
Or Dunkin Donuts, or MacDonalds, or Green Mountain for some coffee.
People in France love strong coffee and research shows that strong coffee
delivers an energizing mix of caffeine and antioxidants that intensify
feelings of arousal and passion. And researchers have also found that
regular coffee drinkers have stronger libidos and enjoy more frequent
and satisfying sex lives, more so than those who avoid drinking it.
Another benefit for the guys: Brewing a pot at home is also a turn-on
for women, mainly the scent.

Tip No. 6-
All-Natural Libido Boosters-
Ladies if you want something other than coffee and cheese to boost libido,
why not head on over to kindle store and type All Natural
Rxs To Boost The Female Libido in the search bar.
Written about 8 years ago by a friend, (we helped research it) the E-book
tells you all about the available libido enhancers out there.
And in addition to learning all about the all-natural viagra (just for women)
you’ll also learn…
* The Importance of the “Big-O”
* Eat this fruit for more passion
* The Best diet for greater sex
* The Best beverages for greater sex
* The Natural Libido enhancers just for women
* See the cover at the top of the article

So, there you have it, 5 foods and beverages from the “country of Love”
that’ll help anyone who wants more love and passion in their lives.

* University of Miami, Research Dept.
* The Laboratory of Neurobiology in Italy
* All Natural Rxs To Boost The Female Libido kindle store
* Rachel DeAlto author of Flirt Fearlessly
* Raymour and Flanigan, Purchase a New Bed
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