Food Alternatives To Calcium.

If you’re getting up there in age and are concerned about falling and breaking a bone,
then you must read and copy this article.

New research suggests that getting extra calcium from food or from a supplement
may not be the best way to prevent fractures.

So, what is the best way to prevent fractures, you ask?
With food.
Four certain foods work extremely well to prevent future fractures and keeping
bones strong and the 4 foods are…

1) Olive Oil-
A food that’s quite popular in blue zones and Mediterranean countries, and it
may be the reason why the elderly there are doing much better at preventing
bone loss and falls. Adding just a small amount of top quality extra-virgin olive
oil to your daily menus will improve the bones in both your hips and spines.
Researchers think that oleuropein, a compound in olive oil, helps prevent
age-related bone loss by boosting production of the cells that build bone.
Important tip:
Go online and type in top quality olive oils in the U.S. in the search bar.
Also important: When buying olive oil, make sure it’s in a glass bottle and not

2) Fish-
Fish and salmon are a combination many people are probably consuming
right now and if you’re older it’s wise to continue eating this tasty duo.
According to researchers, a few servings a week of salmon will lower your risk
of fractures considerably. One reason? Salmon is loaded with vitamin D, a nutrient
that’s proven to build and maintain bone mass.
Not a fan of fish?
No problem- ask your health-care provider to recommend a top quality vitamin D-3
supplement and when the weather warms up, sit outside and soak up the son
for 20 to 30 minutes, (without sunscreen).

3) Prunes-
Yes, your grandma or grandpa may have eaten them or drank the juice
and now that you’re older, you should do the same. Their actually dried plums
and people used them to relieve constipation, but that was then and today,
researchers say that a few prunes each day can reverse and prevent bone loss,
especially in the most vulnerable among us. A few prunes each day provide you
with bone-preserving nutrients, such as vitamin K, magnesium, potassium
and boron.

4) Beer-
A lot of people out there will certainly welcome this suggestion, and if you enjoy
a beer (or two) each day, good for you. Beer significantly reduces your risk of
osteoporosis. Beer is the single richest source of silicon, a nutrient that encourages
the growth of new bone. Plus, ethanol, found in the alcohol in beer, helps prevent
bone loss. Beers made from malted barley and hops, such as pale ales, are richest
in silicon.

* Cambridge University-England
* Journal-Osteoporosis
* Al Sears, M.D. and Researcher

Please make sure to pass this info on to family and friends who are
getting up there in age and are concerned with bone loss, osteoporosis,
etc. You can share (the info) over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram (stories),
Pinterest, Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

One more request…
In addition to sharing the information about this particular post, please make
sure you tell any and everyone about this blog. As we head into our 3rd year,
we feel more people should know about the importance of using food and
not over-the-counter medicine or Dr. prescribed meds to treat what ails them.
So, shout it from the rooftops or post it online, just let people know.

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