Recent research says that only 3 in 10 Americans are doing the healthy things
needed to keep their bones strong.

Keeping your bones strong and flexible not only helps you stay active well
into old age, they (strong bones) can also add a healthy 15 extra years to
your life.

How does having strong bones give you extra years, you ask?
The same health strategies that strengthen your bones also
improve the function of every organ in your body.

So, if you’re part of the 70%, and want to change and do something
about strengthening your bones, start by making the popular
football and party snack.

The Snack:
A Creamy and Avocado Hummus!
This dip is quite popular and served throughout the year at baby showers,
housewarming parties, milestone birthday parties and sporting events,
(tailgating and football viewing parties). And this dip not only tastes delicious,
it’s great for you health-wise, (bone-health).

The Ingredients:
2 large avocados
1 can of chickpeas (15 oz.) rinsed and drained
3 Tbs. lemon juice
2 Tbs. Tahini *
3 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic, smashed
1/2 tsp. of salt
1/4 tsp. of black pepper
1/4 tsp. of turmeric
whole grain crackers, (gluten-free)
Veggies, carrots and celery, cut into thin piece. (use them to dip)
To make:
In a food processor or blender, * blend all of the ingredients until smooth.
Transfer to a bowl and serve with crackers and cut up veggies.
Enough for 4 servings.
One more tip: You can also use this dip as a sandwich spread,
replace the mayo and use this tasty substitute.
* Tahini- Look for this sesame seed paste at grocery stores in the
International food aisle.
* Head to Walmart or go online to and look for a Vitamix
food processor or a Ninja or a Black and Decker blender.

Now, onto to some more detailed info on how this dip can help
you build and maintain bone health.
a) Chickpeas-
AKA garbanzo beans, contain two vital minerals, (molybdenum
and manganese), which act like a glue that helps keep calcium
stuck to the mesh-like framework inside your bones.
Your Rx: Eat 1/2 cup to a 1 cup of chickpeas a few days each week
to really keep bones strong and flexible.
Add them to salads and veggie-stir-fries, puree them and add to
soups, gravies, and sauces. Or sprinkle some salt and pepper
or sugar and cinnamon on them and spray them with olive oil
spray and bake for 30 to 40 minutes. Replace your snacks of candy,
popcorn and pretzels with tasty baked chickpeas.
b) Avocados-
Avocados seem to be the ultimate utility knife of the produce world,
meaning they’re able to do a number of things for your health,
and if you want to reduce the odds of your bones becoming brittle
eat more avocados.
Avocados contain healthy fats that not only help bones become
stronger, but break-resistant as well.
You can also get more good fats from foods like olives, olive and
coconut oils, nuts and seeds.
c) Ask Your Doctor-
About taking a B vitamin, more specifically-IP6. It’s a B vitamin-like
nutrient found in small amounts of corn and brown rice.
This special vitamin can stop bone thinning in a matter of weeks.
Your Rx: Talk to your doctor about taking IP6, (2,000 mg. per day)
if bone thinning is happening right now.
Non-Food Tip!
d) Jump, Jump!
Walking, swimming or lifting weights all are good for keeping your
weight in check and heart disease at bay, but to build bones
and keep them strong, you may want to do what you did as a child,
and that is…Jump.
Yes, the simple act of jumping up and down for 30 seconds (twice a day)
not only builds new bone tissue, it also cuts your risk of a fracture (a break)
by 50%.
Your Rx: You may want to ease into this tip slowly, especially if you haven’t
exercised in a while. Start with raising up on your calves and then doing a few
gentle up and down motions.

* Indiana University, South Bend
* American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* Chawn-Li Shen, Ph. D.
And lastly, if you want 2 more recipes and tips (the dangers of smoking and why calcium
may do more harm) on building and maintaining bone health, head to our new store,
go to the top of this blog, and click buy recipes, look for 3 Recipes for Stronger
Bones, Prevent Osteoporosis.