Medical professionals have been pushing the 10,000 steps each day if
you want to be fit and trim.
But wait, not everyone can do that many steps.
Some may have health issues, some may not have the time, and some
just may not be willing to do an 1 and 30 mins. of walking 3 to 5 times
a week.
And for those who aren’t willing, don’t have the time or may have physical
issues, there’s a suitable alternative.

What is it?
Eat more produce.
That’s not a misprint, eating more produce may give you the same benefits
as walking 5 or 10 thousand steps each day.

Scientists studied people who ate a few servings of fruit and vegetables
(The Mediterranean diet), and discovered they had health equal to people
who walked 4,000 or more steps each day.

The researchers believe the benefits come from chemical by-products called
metabolites-like those created by eating glucosinolate-rich foods (fruits and
vegetables) that protect and keep the body young.

So, in closing, if you’ve been feeling guilty of not getting 4,000 to 10,000 steps
each day, don’t despair, just increase the amount of produce you’ve been eating
and do 1,000 or 2,000 steps each day.

2 last tips:
With the summer winding down, make sure to visit local farmer markets,
and roadside stands near you and stock up. You can clean and then
freeze the extra produce and have it when temperatures get colder.
And lastly, if you’re unable to get outdoors and walk out and about
in nature, just head online to and look for walking indoor
videos. More specifically–videos from Leslie Sansone.

* European Journal of Preventative Cardiology
* Harvard Trained Internist-Amy Shah, M.D.

Please make sure to pass this information on to family and friends who
feel guilty for not getting an hour of exercise or walking 10,000 steps
each day.
Pass the info to loved ones over at Facebook, Instagram, (stories), Pinterest,
Snapchat, Reddit, Tik-Tok and X or Twitter.
