We’re now 20 plus years into the millennium, (the year 2,000) and researchers
have finally figured out that we (humans) need fat.
We’re not talking fat you get from a slab of ribs or a sausage grinder
or French fries cooked in a vat of oil, no-the fat they’re talking about
should come from sources like fatty fish, (sardines and salmon),
grass-fed butter, ghee, top quality yogurt and nuts and seeds.

Yes, nuts and seeds can provide you with the types of fats
that’ll boost and improve your health.
Not sure which seed and nut butters you should be eating?
No problem, just look below for the answers.

a) Build Muscle-
Have you sworn off meat, fish eggs and cheese?
Well, you can get protein from some vegetables like green peas
and legumes, and for those who aren’t fans of lentils or chick-peas,
then start eating some peanut butter. We’re talking a top-quality peanut
butter and not your 2 or 3 dollar jar.

b) More Fiber-
Want to increase your fiber intake, but are afraid of eating more
vegetables (with the skins on) or taking a tsp. (or two) of fiber powder?
Look for a good quality almond butter and a Tbs. (or two) a day will help
you meet your fiber requirements.
More benefits from almond butter: Rich in potassium, which helps build
muscles and lowers blood pressure. Plus, it’s rich in vitamin E, which is
important for keeping the brain in tip-top shape and youthful and glowing

c) More Iron-
As mentioned in the first tip, for those who don’t eat or like eggs, meat, fish
and dairy, you can get your Iron from spinach or cashews. And if your energy levels
aren’t what they were-say 5 or ten years ago, eat cashews or cashew butter for
the copper and watch your energy levels increase.

d) Strong Immune System-
Boosting one’s immune system has become a big business of late
and if you don’t want to eat steak and liver everyday or take a host of
pills (vitamins and minerals) add some sunflower seed butter to your
daily menus. Plus, sunflower seed butter contains selenium (also
great for your immune system and magnesium, which helps you sleep
and prevents leg cramps.

e) Strong Bones-
Concerned about bone loss and bone thinning as you age? Well, combat it
by eating more greens and getting a Tbs. (or two) of Tahini each day.
Popular in Middle Eastern countries, this light brown and creamy nut butter
made from sesame seeds and will improve bone health and keep your brain
and heart in tip-top condition. It (Tahini) has ample amounts of omega-3 fatty
acids (like salmon and chia seeds).
Another nut (butter) that has omega-3 fatty acids: Walnuts. Buy or make
your own walnut butter.

So, there you have it, some non-meat and dairy-free options to bolster your health.
And lastly, if you do add nut butters to your daily regimen, make sure you buy a top
quality nut butter. (read the labels for sugar, salt and oils added to them).
Or even better, buy some organic nuts and seeds at Whole foods, health food
stores or online and make your own nut and seed butters.
Not sure how to do that? Head to YouTube.com and type how to make natural
peanut butter or almond butter in the search bar.

* Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D.N-nutrition expert and author
of The Flextarian Diet (available on Amazon.com)
* First For Women magazine- 7-15-24 Issue

Please make sure to share this article with family and friends who want
to add more fat to their diet, but aren’t sure what types of fat are best for
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