Feel your best with these “in-season” Summer fruit picks.

Do you plan on taking advantage of the Summer produce offered by
the Farmers’ markets?

Well, if you do plan on picking up blueberries, raspberries and cherries make
sure to bring along this list. Why?
You’ll be able to see how that basket of raspberries or blueberries can bolster
your health.

a) Blueberries-
The benefits you get from blueberries are endless, so we’ll just stick to
two, the benefits…
* Youthful Skin-
If the extreme temperatures from the Summer months take a toll on your
skin, reverse some of that damage with blueberries.
Blueberries contain a rare plant compound that speeds the formation of firming
collagen and elastin, plus prompt the growth of healthy new epidermal (skin)
* Aches and Pains-
If a day of gardening leaves you with some aches and pains, erase the pains with
blueberries. Eating a bowl a day for about 2 weeks could make joint pain, stiffness
and swelling decrease by 35%. Antioxidants in blueberries turn off the enzymes
that fuel damaging inflammation inside joint tissues.
Another tip: Boysenberries also work like a natural pain reliever.
b) Improved Memory-
Forget where you left the car keys or that important document? Stop age-related
memory loss with blackberries. Blackberries are packed with nutrients that spark
communication between brain neurons and energize immune cells that repair
and replace aging brain cells.
c) More Energy Please-
The long, hot days of Summer can take a toll and make you tired and lethargic
and if it should happen to you, eat strawberries to overcome it.
The two compounds in the red beauties, (pelargonidin and cyanidini) coax muscle
and brain cells to burn fatty acids for fuel, giving you 30% more energy for 3 hours,
plus help you shake off chronic tiredness in about 3 to 4 days.
d) More Sleep Please-
Again, the hot weather can cause many sleepless nights, to get the deep and
uninterrupted sleep you get in cooler weather, add more blackberries to your menus.
The pigments that give blackberries their color prompt your brain to release sleep-
inducing melatonin.
Another helpful tip: Cherries also work, so if you’re not a fan of blackberries,
buy and eat some fresh cherries an hour before bed.
e) Less Stress Please-
If constant stress is getting the best of you, avoid a doctor-prescribed medicine and
just add more cherries to your daily menus.
Cherries contain compounds that quickly calm the anxiety center of the brain.
Important tip: Look for darker and firmer cherries while shopping, and avoid the
paler ones. Darker cherries have 4 times more beneficial antioxidants.
f) Blue Moods-
It’s hard to be depressed in the Summertime, but if you or a loved one needs to shake
a blue mood or mild depression, load up on peaches. Compounds in peaches activate
your brain’s limbic system, prompting it to release mood-boosting alpha waves.
g) Appetite Suppressant-
Summer makes it easy to eat less, thanks to the Sunshine and the vast array of
fresh fruits and vegetables, but if you have trouble controlling your appetite-
add more plums to your menus.
Plums contain 2 nutrients that activate the satiety center of the brain and heighten
insulin sensitivity and blood-sugar control, cutting your risk of hunger-triggering
blood-glucose dips by 30%.
One more tip: Plums also work like natural sunscreen, so if you spend a lot
of time outdoors and are concerned about applying tons of sunscreen,
use plums instead. Also look for a great tasting salad recipe to help
protect your skin from the Sun’s harmful rays. Look for this recipe in
our new store.
h) Boost Metabolism-
Need to boost your metabolism to get into your bikini?
Add more raspberries to your meal plans. Raspberries contain vital
nutrients that prod your body to turn on your metabolism as if
it were 10 to 12 years younger.
i) Watermelon-
What’s Summer without watermelon? A very long, boring and hot
3 months. And if bloat is causing you to pass on your favorite bikini, eat
some watermelon to help you slim down. Just 2 cups of the red fruit each day
could help you lose 3 to 5 pounds of bloat in about 2 weeks. Compounds
in watermelon helps the kidneys flush trapped fluids.

2 recipes to help you use up that bounty of Summer fruit.
First up, a tasty salsa to help you get rid of bloat.
Watermelon Salsa:
To make–Mixed 1 or 2 cups of cubed watermelon, 1 cup of cubed mango,
2 Tbs. of scallions, 2 Tbs. of lime juice and 1 cup of diced feta.
Mix in a large bowl, and serve. Or grill it.
Spread some olive oil on slices of watermelon, and then grill each side for
a few mins. And if it’s a little bland, add a little sprinkle of salt to each slice.
And lastly, 2 recipes to help you get to sleep and stay asleep.
Blackberry Parfait-
To make- Mix a cup of blackberries with a cup of plain (or vanilla)
yogurt, and a tsp. of dark honey or stevia, stir well and eat
60 to 90 mins. before bed.
Or if you prefer something savory- Drizzle some balsamic vinegar
over the berries, add a little sugar and a few slice of fresh basil.
Toss and eat an hour or an hour and a half before bed.

* UCLA Research Dept.
* University of Hawaii, Research Dept.
* Journal of Alternative Health
* Texas Woman’s University

One last reminder: Don’t forget to visit our new store. To get to the store,
just click buy recipes at the top of this blog. Purchase a recipe or two and
start making your own scrapbook of alternative health.