What is a stone fruit?
A fruit that has a pit or “stone” in the center of it.

You know, a peach or a plum.
And if you plan on visiting your local farmers’ market and stocking up
on some of these stone fruits, you may want to know more about how
they can help you-health-wise.

Listed below, are 6 six stone fruits and their benefits…

a) Nectarines-
Are you tense and on edge during the warm Summer months?
Lower some of that tension with a nectarine or two per day.
Nectarines contain chlorogenic acid, which revs the liver’s ability
to break down stress hormones. Plus, the scent they emit can
help calm the brain’s anxiety center.
So, in addition to eating them, wash, peel and then cut one or two up
and let it simmer in a pot of water and cinnamon, if your tension and
anxiety levels need to be lowered.

b) Plums-
Do you spend a lot of time outdoors? Concerned your sunscreen may not
be protecting you all that well? Eat more plums. Plums, like mangoes and
watermelon work exactly like sunscreen. In addition to using plums as
natural sunscreen, use them to help ease irritability.
Plums contain compounds that activate the limbic system, this increases
the production of calming alpha brain waves, which can lift foul moods in
as little as 60 minutes.

c) Apricots-
It’s been reported that tribes who live high atop the Himalayans
mountains eat apricots the way Americans eat apples and oranges.
And all of those apricots being consumed may explain their
youthful complexions, thick gray-less hair and low rates of diabetes.
Diabetes? Yes, compounds in the fruit heighten insulin sensitivity and
prevent blood sugar fluxes.

d) Peaches-
A favorite any time of the year, but especially during the Summer and if you’re
hoping to slim down in time to fit into next season’s bikini (2022) eat more
peaches. Peaches enhance the ability of mitochondria (the little energy engines
within cells) to burn stored fat for fuel. Plus, peaches deliver a trio of nutrients
that stimulate the feel-full center of the brain.
Important tip: Yes, peaches taste great when they’re used to make cobblers, cakes
or shakes, but avoid ruining them by adding too much sugar to them, doing so
will only result in weight gain.

e) Cherries-
Need to end pain in your joints or feet (gout)? Eat fresh cherries.
Need something natural to help you get to sleep and stay asleep?
Eat fresh cherries.
Need an all-natural energy boost? Eat fresh cherries.
Cherries contain anthocyanins, powerful compounds that energize
fatigued muscles and brain cells.
Add cherries to baked goods, a smoothie or toss pitted, sliced
cherries, sliced almonds and fresh parsley and thyme with
Orzo for a tart-sweet side dish.

f) Mangoes-
If your skin is starting to show signs of aging or if you want to prevent
signs of aging, add more mango to your daily dishes. Just 1/2 cup a day,
can help reduce fine lines, redness and flaking skin in as little as 30 days.
Also important: eating a small amount of mango each day can help you
lower the odds of certain cancers.
Important tip: Peeled, chopped mangoes last 3 days in the refrigerator
in an airtight container.

That’s it for today, and in the not-to-distance future…
we’ll bring you more great tips on how the fruits and veggies
available at Farm-stands and farmers’ markets can help you prevent illnesses
and diseases, and enhance your health and well-being.

a) Chicago’s Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation
b) UCLA Researchers
c) Ohio State, Researchers
d) Nutrition and Weight Management Research Center
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