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Spring will only be us for another 3 weeks and if you want to
improve your health and move into Summer looking and
feeling good then you should eat the vegetables that are
associated with Spring.

And what vegetables are those, you ask?
Continue reading and you’ll find out.

Feel and look your best with these late spring produce picks.

a) Spinach-
You can get spinach any time in the U.S. but it’s really best if you
get it in the Spring and if you find that you’re more achy, eat more
spinach. Spinach contains vitamin K-1, a nutrient that dampens tissue
inflammation, flushes trapped fluids out of joints and speeds the healing
of damaged muscles and ligaments.

b) Radishes-
Feeling your anxiety levels starting to rise? Forgo the doctor-prescribed
meds and reach for a radish or two. Radishes contain the compounds
(glucosinolates and myrosinase), which stimulate the release of nerve-
steadying beta brain waves.
Important tip: Not a fan of spicy radishes? Soak them in Ice water for
an hour and if you’re a fan of French fries, use radishes instead.
They’re lower in calories and have less starch.

c) Asparagus-
Do you burp, have gas and a bloated stomach?
Use the Spring favorite asparagus and eliminate all three ailments.
Nutrients in asparagus fuel the growth of healthy bacteria in the
intestines, reducing bloat, gas and burps by 54%.
Not sure how to prepare asparagus?
Cut off about an inch of the stem , season the spears with salt and pepper,
drizzle with olive oil and top with grated Parmesan and mozzarella.
Bake at 350*F for 20 to 30 mins. Make sure to keep an eye on them,
so they don’t burn.

d) Rhubarb-
Still have cravings leftover from the Christmas season? Take a bite out
of Rhubarb. Rhubarb has a distinctive flavor that prompts the release
of calming, appetite-taming alpha brain waves.
Need a recipe? Try this, it’s a sauce dish that you can use for grilled or
baked meat, (chicken, fish or steak). Simmer 4 cups of chopped rhubarb
in 1/2 cup of water, 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/2 tsp. of salt for 10 mins.
Turn off the heat, and blend the ingredients together to make
a sauce.

e) Butter Lettuce-
You may be accustomed to eating Romaine and Iceberg lettuce, but if
you want to boost happiness levels, buy some butter lettuce.
It’s filled with vitamin C, beta-carotene and lactucarium, all of which
stimulate brain nerves that fuel calm energy and boost happiness levels.
Use Lettuce and not a grain.
Want a chicken taco or chicken sandwich?
FIll a lettuce leaf with deli-sliced chicken, bacon, tomato and mayonnaise.
Or saute 3 heads of trimmed butter lettuce (cut into strips) with 1/2 cup of
red onion and 1 Tbs. of sesame seeds before serving.

f) Artichokes-
Are you using energy drinks (Red Bull or Monster) to boost energy levels?
Put them away due to the chemicals and sugar in them and buy a
few artichokes this week from your local grocery store. Artichokes
contain a compound called Silymarin, which enhances the absorption
of fatigue-fighting potassium and magnesium, plus artichokes switch
on enzymes that help muscles burn food for energy.

* Boston University, Research Dept.
* Ayurvedic Researchers
* British Research Dept.
* A Taste of Home Magazine
One last tip:
Don’t forget to pass this post (article) on to family and friends over at Facebook,
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