If you plan on increasing the amount of vegetables you eat during the Summer
months, make sure to support and buy from your local Farmers’ market.

Increasing the fresh produce in your diet, will not only help you feel better, it (produce)
will also boost your moods, burn fat, reduce belly bloat and take a few years off
your appearance.

So, look below, and pick up the following veggies.
a) Boost Energy Levels-
Too many beers, the humidity and heavy meals (grilled beef and pork)
can slow you down and sap energy levels.
To boost energy levels, buy a few ears of corn on the cob.
Eating some corn can help you feel energized for 60 to 90 mins.
Corn contains a B vitamin-like nutrient (inositol hexaphosphate)
that aids energy production inside muscle cells.
Simple cooking tip:
Now that it’s summer, place a few ears of corn on the grill.
To prevent the chewy corn on the cob, soak them (with the husks)
for 10 to 15 mins. in a large bowl of water or in the sink.

b) Decrease Belly Bloat-
Want to lose 4 pounds in two weeks? Eat more green beans.
A cup of green beans eaten daily will prod kidney cells to release excess
Cooking tip:
Green beans like corn can be cooked on the grill.
A simple recipe: Cut off the ends, clean them and pat dry.
Marinate the green beans in olive oil, minced garlic and some salt and
pepper for 30 mins. then grill gently over medium heat.

c) Stop The Clock-
The aging clock. We have a post or two about tomatoes and their ability
to help protect your skin from the Sun’s harmful rays, (natural sunscreen)
and now, researchers say that tomatoes can also erase dryness and fine lines.
Tomatoes contain vitamin C and flavonoids, which switch on enzymes
that repair and replace aging skin cells.
A recipe for a summer salad:
Take a break from the usual green salad, (kale, spinach and lettuce)
and make this instead-In a large bowl, mix 4 diced tomatoes with
1/4 cup of chopped basil, 1 Tbs. of minced garlic, and 4 Tbs. of
mixed olive oil and vinegar; and serve on grilled Italian bread or a crostini.
And for those who want something sweeter: Mix 4 diced tomatoes with
2 cups of cubed watermelon, 1 cup of crumbled feta cheese and 1/4 cup
of olive or avocado oil.

d) Burn More Fat-
Summer gardens are bursting with plenty of green and yellow squash
and if you’re looking to shed a few pounds faster, then take advantage
of both veggies. Squash is packed with nutrients (lutein and zeaxanthin)
that switch on fat-burning genes inside liver cells, helping convert fat into
fuel. Another bonus: Yellow and green squash will help you slim down
35% faster.

e) Mood Boosters-
If the bright sunshine, warm temperatures and greenery isn’t doing
anything to boost your moods, start munching on a few slices of bell pepper.
The colorful pigments in peppers, (carotenoids), which boost your brain’s
production of mood-elevating alpha waves.
Helpful tip: Eat peppers raw or lightly cooked and you’ll get 65% more
carotenoids, and avoid peppers that are cooked at high temperatures.

* University of Conn. Research Dept.
* Canadian Research Team
* University of Maryland School of Medicine
* Online Organic Farming Magazine
Please pass this article (post) on to your veggie-loving friends and family
over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit, Instagram and Twitter.
One last request:
Need a dessert idea for the Fourth?
Just click on buy recipes at the top and search for Red, White & Blue Desserts,
The E-Doc.