In the past we’ve written a post or two about using up those scraps.
You know, stir-frying beet greens, using watermelon rind (the white part)
to make pickles and boiling banana peels and then drinking the water
for a natural sleep-aid and today, we’ll reveal some things you can do
with those carrot tops, orange and lime peels and the stems from
cilantro and parsley.

First up, carrot tops.
a) Orange-Pesto!
You may think that basil is the only vegetable one should use to make a
great tasting pesto, and if you think that-you’re wrong.
The greens on top of carrots have an earthly flavor that complements the
sweet basil and nutty Parmesan in pesto.
To make:
In a blender, pulse 2 cups of chopped carrot tops, 1 cup of chopped fresh basil,
1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese, 1/4 cup of olive oil, 2 Tbs. of peanuts
or pine nuts, 1 tsp. of grated lemon zest and 1 clove of garlic until well mixed.
Season with salt and pepper. Use this flavor chopped veggies, (green squash,
celery, carrot sticks) or place some on top of gluten-free crackers or cooked

b) Parsley-Stem Butter!
Don’t throw out the stem and tiny leaves from that parsley or cilantro, use it
to flavor that stick of butter.
To make:
Mix 1/3 chopped parsley (or cilantro) stems and small leaves and 1 clove
of garlic (minced) with 1/2 cup of softened butter. Form into a log, then
roll in more chopped parsley; wrap and chill.
Use this special butter on steamed vegetables, a piece of salmon,
a plate of pasta or rice.

c) Rind-Flavored Candy!
Citrus peels (orange, tangerines, lime and lemon) are loaded with
acidic flavor and adding sugar turns it into a treat that’s delectable
on its own as a garnish for bowls of Ice cream or other desserts.
To make:
Cut rind of 1 orange into 2″ X 1/4″ strips; boil in 1 cup of water 5 mins.;
drain. Simmer strips in a mix of 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar
1 hour; drain. Toss with sugar until coated. Spread out on a cookie sheet
and let dry for 24 hours. Store in an airtight container.
And for those who don’t eat sugar, try mixing the fruit peels with honey
and baking them in the oven (set at 250*F) until lightly browned.
Store in an airtight container. Some who are involved in alternative
medicine, swear that this is a natural remedy for those who suffer
from allergies. When allergy symptoms (runny noses, watery eyes and
congestion) strike, have a few slivers of candied-orange (or lime) rind.

* Northwestern University, Research Dept.
* Canadian Research Team
* A Taste of Home Magazine
* Journal of Alternative Medicine
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