Now that it’s Summer, it’s time to start patronizing your local farmers’ market
in your town (or surrounding town) and when you do, make sure to
pick up the fruits and vegetables listed below.

The fruits and vegetables needed for the following recipes are not only great
tasting, but great for your health as well.

So, don’t delay, get to your local farmers’ market today and improve
your health, one vegetable (or fruit) at a time.

The 3 recipes listed below all use avocado as a base, (boats)
and something even better, three of the recipes are gluten-free and two
are diary-free.

The recipes for avocado boats.
Avocado Boat No. 1-
Minted Chicken Salad Inside an Avocado!
Chicken from 2 cooked breasts or thighs or legs, remove it from the
bone and cut into cubes
1 cucumber
2 Tbs. of red onion, diced
1 Tbs.of chopped fresh mint
3 Tbs. of olive oil
1 Tbs. of red wine vinegar
1 avocado, halved
To make:
In a bowl, toss the chicken, cucumber, onion, mint, oil and vinegar. Add
a little salt and pepper. Spoon this mixture into the avocado halves.
Calories-485 per serving, Prot-32g, Carbs-13g, Gluten and dairy-free.

Avocado Boat No. 2-
Honey-Lime Pico de Gallo Boats!
3 Tbs. of olive oil
1 tsp. of dark honey
2 limes, zested and juiced
1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
1/2 yellow bell pepper, diced
2 Tbs. of red onion, diced
2 Tbs. of chopped fresh cilantro
1 avocado, halved
To make:
In a medium-sized bowl, whisk oil, honey, lime juice and 1/2 tsp. of lime
zest. Add beans, peppers, onions and cilantro; toss well to coat. Season
with salt and pepper. Scoop this mixture into the avocado halves.
Garnish with mint, parsley or basil leaves.
Calories per serving- 525, Prot-14g, Carbs- 44g, Gluten and Dairy-Free.

Avocado Boat No.3-
Crunchy Tuna-Club Delight!
2 eggs
1 oz. of diced cheddar cheese
1 oz. of diced provolone cheese
1 cucumber, diced
1 can of water-packed tuna, drained
2 Tbs. of olive oil
1 Tbs. of red wine vinegar
1 avocado, halved
To make:
Start by boiling eggs.
In a pan on top of the stove, bring 2 cups of water to
a boil. Add the eggs, cook for 8 mins. Remove the eggs and run
under cold water for 30 to 45 seconds. When cool, peel the eggs
and chop into bite-sized pieces. In a bowl, add the eggs, cheeses,
cucumber, tuna, oil and vinegar. Add a little salt and pepper.
Mix well and spoon this mixture into the 2 avocado halves.
Calories-660, Prot-40g. Carbs-14g. Gluten-free.

* A Taste of Home, Magazine
* Food Network Magazine
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