Now that most states have opened up and are getting back to some sense of
normalcy, (Co-Vid 19) please make sure to visit your local farmers’ markets
and farmstands.

In addition to helping your fellow man (and woman) you can also use
the produce instead of doctor-prescribed medicine.

Not sure what vegetable to buy to ease pain, alleviate bloat, boost
energy and moods, no problem-just continue reading for the answers.

a) Beets-
Often regarded as the vegetable to help lower blood pressure, new research
says that a few servings of the red beauties can also ease aches and pains.
Beets contain unique phytonutrients (called proanthocyanidins) that shut down
pain-triggering inflammatory enzymes inside your delicate tissues.
Plus, they beets can alleviate pain so much, which will allow you to
become more mobile.
Eat a cup (or two) a day, add them (lightly steamed) to salads, or stir-fry them
with lean protein and other greens or peel and dice one and add it to a smoothie.

b) Green Squash-
In a past post, we told about the eye-enhancing benefits one can get from a
few servings of green squash each week, (especially night vision).
Well today, a few servings of squash can help you reduce belly bloat.
Compounds in green squash enhance the body’s ability to release fluids
trapped in the lymphatic system.

c) Turnips-
Not as popular as other root vegetables and that’s too bad, because researchers
say a serving of turnips 2 to 4 times a week can help you get rid of constant fatigue
in less than a week. Turnips are rich in antioxidants that heighten insulin sensitivity
and improve glucose metabolism.
Use turnips as you would potatoes, peel them, slice them and then bake them with a
little olive oil. Or make a pot of 1/2 mashed potatoes and 1/2 mashed turnips.

d) Cabbage-
In a past post, we’ve told you about cabbage being one of the foods that’ll help anyone
hoping to live past age 80 or 90, (Actress Cloris Leachman ate fresh coleslaw a few times
a week and lived till age 94) and today, we’re telling you to add a few servings a week
if blue moods are a problem.
Cabbage contains compounds (called glucosinolates) that give it (cabbage) its strong
flavor and these compounds also activate the brain’s limbic system, increasing the
production of mood-lifting alpha waves.
Important tip: Cabbage is best for one’s health when it’s lightly steam or
eaten fresh, (coleslaw) but if you suffer from thyroid problems, avoid eating it

e) Carrots-
When one thinks of carrots what usually comes to mind? Better eyesight.
Well, in addition to improving one’s eyesight, carrots can also help ease
embarrassing gas, stomachaches and indigestion. Carrot’s are one of nature’s
best sources of beta-carotene, a plant compound that has been shown to
reduce inflammation in the intestinal tract and stimulate the release of
digestive enzymes.

f) Green Onions-
Different than their white cousins in that they can help you improve focus,
concentration and memory in less than two weeks.
Think of them as “nature’s Adderall.”
Green onions contain quercetin and biotin, 2 nutrients that improve the
function of the hippocampus and the frontal lobe of the brain-
regions that govern cognitive function and long-term memory.
And if you’re not sure how to use up your surplus of green onions,
here are 2 recipes to help you along.
Recipe no. 1-
Flavor up your butter or olive oil.
Mix 1 tsp. of lemon juice, 1/2 tsp. of lemon zest, 1 Tbs. of minced onions
and 1 stick of butter (or a cup of olive oil). Use this to flavor stir-fried
vegetables, or add to baked fish or an omelette.
Recipe no. 2-
Add 1/2 cup of chopped green onions to cornbread batter or bran muffins.

That’s it, for this week, and we’ll continue to tell you about the glorious
benefits of produce from the farmers’ market or farmstand as it
becomes available.

* Journal of Agricultural
* Journal of Food Chemistry
* Canadian Researchers
* Stanford University, The Research Dept.
One last reminder: Don’t forget to visit our new store, to gain access, just
click buy recipes at the top of this blog.