In a few more weeks it’ll be the Fall season and if you want to improve your
health, you may want to start eating the orange fruit.

The orange fruit?
Yes, a fruit and if you enjoy pumpkin lattes and pumpkin muffins, do yourself
and your health a favor and eat the actual fruit.

Pumpkin is a winter squash that can be used to make everything from soups,
stews and baked goods. It’s also packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants,
and these 3 things can benefit your health in a number of ways, like…

a) Gut Health-
Fiber is a key nutrient that supports gut health and pumpkin has plenty of it, (fiber)
so if irregular bowel movements or constipation is a problem, get more pumpkin
into your system.

b) Reduce Cancer Risks-
If the C word (cancer) scares you, put those fears aside by eating more pumpkin.
Pumpkin is high in antioxidants, and these antioxidants reduce the risk of
several cancers: breast, rectal, and lung cancer, and if the men in your life are
getting older, feed them pumpkin seeds. The seeds contain special antioxidants
that greatly reduce a man’s odds of getting prostate cancer.

c) A Strong Immune System-
As we head into fall and winter, we should be doing everything in our power
to keep our immune systems in tip-top shape and one of the best foods to
bolster immunity is pumpkin. High in vitamin C, zinc and selenium, all of which
are vital for stronger immune systems.

d) Healthy Eyes For Life-
If macular degeneration is something that’s also a concern as you age,
pumpkin is one of the best foods to help combat it. Pumpkins are rich
in vitamin A and carotenoids, (Lutein and Zeaxathin), and this trio of nutrients
flood the retinas, helping to reduce your risk of ever getting macular degeneration.

e) Blood Pressure-
A doctor said that we (the people) shouldn’t worry about cholesterol numbers
getting too high, the real concern should be if your blood pressure numbers gets too
high and one way to keep it (B.P.) in the “normal or a little below normal range”
is with the orange fruit-pumpkin.
High in potassium, which is a nutrient that helps wash excess sodium out of
our systems and calcium and magnesium, which helps lower blood pressure
and brings it into the “normal range.”

f) Turn Back The Clock-
If little lines and wrinkles are starting to show up and causing you to fret and
worry, you may want to start eating more “orange foods” especially pumpkin.
The vitamin A and beta carotene in these types of foods may be the only
natural (and safer) anti-aging medicine you need.
More tips: If you do start eating more pumpkin, make sure to eliminate or cut
way down on harmful and toxic foods like sugar, seed oils (canola & corn) and
processed foods.
Other orange foods necessary for a youthful complexion: butternut and acorn
squash (also popular in colder months), carrots, apricots, cantaloupe, mangoes
and sweet potatoes.

g) Real vs. Non-Real-
This simply means it’s convenient to buy canned pumpkins and stock up,
but if you’re daring you may want to hold onto your “real” pumpkin (after
October), and cook it. Everything from the skin to the seeds and the flesh (meat)
offers a number of health benefits.
Not sure how to clean, cut, cook or take out the seeds? Head to
and type how to clean and cook fresh pumpkin in the subject bar.

* website
* Journal- Alternative Medicine Journal
* Yahoo Health News

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