As Summer winds down, we’ll be heading into fall, and for a lot of us that means taking
advantage of the Fall produce.

You know, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin and aubergines (eggplants) and if you do enjoy
fall produce but aren’t sure how it improves your health, you’re in luck.

Look below, for the fall produce and the benefits you can get from that produce.

a) Kale-
Although popular year round, the fall is when it’s plentiful and taste its best.
And if you find yourself feeling more aches and pains, start adding more kale to
your daily menus.
It (kale) contains lutein and zeaxanthin, 2 nutrients that shut down the body’s
production of prostaglandins, hormones that trigger pain and inflammation.
Aim to eat 1 or 2 cups of kale a day and cut the risk of aches and pains by 30%,
plus trim 3 days off your recovery time if you’re suffering from aches and pains
right now.

b) Cauliflower-
Used for everything from pizza crusts to tater tots this versatile veggie can boost
your memory by 25% in less than 2 weeks. Compounds in this cruciferous veggie
raises the brain’s production of memory-boosting neurotransmitters, plus
speed the breakdown of cellular waste that slow brain function.
Read our post on Female Celebrities Share Their Low-Cal Secrets–
it’s a post on how some of your favorite celebrities lower the calorie
counts in some of America’s highest calorie foods, like pizza and tater tots,
(hint: they use cauliflower).

c) Potatoes-
If you have a storage room, (dark with mild temperatures) then you may want
to buy extra potatoes this fall. Eating 1 or 2 medium-sized potatoes a day
can prevent Winter weight gain. Give credit to a trio of nutrients (vitamin B-6,
copper and fiber) that triggers the production of appetite-taming hormones
and soothes the part of the brain that fuels hunger.

d) Eggplant-
Aka aubergines can benefit your health in 2 ways: Enhance focus and balance
your blood sugar. Keeping your blood sugar levels steady can cut fatigue and
anxiety by as much as 60%. Compounds in eggplants slow sugar absorption
in the intestines enough to slash the risk of blood-sugar fluxes by 50%.
And if you’re having trouble concentrating, eat more eggplant. A compound in
eggplant (Nasunin) strengthens and energizes brain neurons.
Aim for a cup of eggplant a few times a week to get both benefits.
Also important: Look for ways to cook it without all of the oil, not sure how?
Head to youtube and type low-cal eggplant recipes.

e) Carrots-
If you plan on making soups and stews this fall, make sure to include plenty of
carrots. Doing so can end those feelings of fatigue in about a week or two.
Beta carotene, (the pigment that gives carrots their beautiful orange color)
heightens the ability of your liver and muscles cells to convert fat into ATP-
the body’s main source of cellular energy.

f) Pumpkin-
Fall is the time when Americans really celebrate everything pumpkin- coffee,
muffins, lattes, etc and if you enjoy pumpkin and want to slow down the
aging process, then eat some on a daily basis. Pumpkin (and other orange
foods- sweet potatoes, butternut and acorn squash) contain ample amounts
of carotenoids, which soothe and heal skin to improve texture and tone.
Look for canned pumpkins at any grocery store or head to a Farmers’ market
or farmstand and get a real one. Look for pumpkin soup recipes online
( or add some to a baked good (scone) or tomato sauce.

* Journal Phytochemistry
* Canadian Researchers
* UCLA Research Dept.