Most kids in the U.S. will be going back to school this week and if your kid(s)
are heading back to the classroom this week, you may also want to make sure
they eat the fruit that’ll help them focus and concentrate.

The Fruit:
If your kids are still suffering from brain fog or an inability to concentrate due to
the long summer, give them pears.

Why pears?
The compounds in pears (flavonoids) relax and open arteries and this allows
oxygen-rich blood to quickly and easily reach hardworking brain cells.

Some More Good News:
Eating 1 pear at say 12:00 pm could sharpen and enhance focus in just 20 mins.
and eating 2 pears a day could cut your risk of future memory lapses (and even
old-age memory problems) by 45%.

And another benefit of pears for both kids and adults:
If you fear the weight gain that comes from the colder weather, being indoors
for hours on end and the goodies that start at the end of Halloween and go on
until Valentine’s day, there’s a natural solution to help you curb your appetite.

The natural solution?
That’s right, thanks to high fiber in them, they (pears) act like natural appetite-
suppressants, which means you’ll eat less and crave less fatty foods.
So, take advantage of these safer and way less expensive (diet pills)
appetite suppressants starting now and prevent the 10 pounds or more
weight gain that usually comes during the fall and winter months.

And lastly,
Since the price of pears come down this time of year, buy extra and keep
them on hand for you and the kids.
Look for ways to cook, stew and bake them by going online to
and type low-cal ways to cook pears in the subject line.

* Tufts University, Research Dept.
* The 10 Best Fruits To Prevent Weight Gain/

Please pass this article to all of the moms and dads you know who worry
about their kids who can’t concentrate or lack focus, or send it to someone
who worries about the inevitable weight gain that happens this time of year.
Share it over at Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram (stories)
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