Are you getting your boy ready for Spring or Summer?
You know, by doing some type of Detox.

Well, you can take herbs, vitamins and drink green smoothies, but
wouldn’t you also like to eat food that helps you detox and get rid of

The 2 foods that’ll help you detox are brown rice and broccoli.
Yes, not favorites like chocolate chips cookies and pizza, but
you want to get rid of the toxins from this past Fall and Winter,
and that’s where brown rice and broccoli come into the equation.

Why these foods?
* Brown Rice-
Eating 1/2 cup of brown rice daily can revive your energy and help
you shed 50% more weight during your Spring cleanse.
Researchers say that the resistant starch in rice prevents the absorption
of metabolism-slowing toxins in the GI tract.
Another tip:
To make the rice evven more effective at helping you shed weight, cook some,
allow it to cool, refrigerate it and then eat the next day. Doing this makes it more
of a resistant starch.

* Broccoli-
The green veggie activates detox enzymes. Your liver contains enzymes that
convert trapped waste, environmental pollutants and hormones into water-soluble
molecules that can be easily flushed out by your kidneys. Compounds in broccoli,
called glucosinolates, activate those detoxing dynamos, helping you feel more clear
headed and energized in less than a week.

There you have it, the 2 foods that’ll help you get into bikini or bathing suit
shape thanks to their abilities to help you detox.
Serve steamed broccoli over brown rice (with some spices and herbs) or
heat up a little oil and toss some rice and broccoli into the pan (with soy sauce
and spices) for another “detox” meal.

* Nutrition Journal
* University of Illinois–Research Dept.
* British Research Team

Please make sure to share this post with family and friends who are
doing or plan on doing a Detox this Spring. Share it over at Facebook,
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