You’re probably aware of the effects exercise has on your flexibility, but are you
aware that you should also keep your blood vessels flexible?

Well, you should and doing so not only cuts heart disease risk, you’ll also be rewarded
with sharper thinking, a better working brain, less depression and fewer memory
problems, (no Alzheimer’s) and the best part: You can get flexible arteries
by eating a certain spice.

The Spice:
In some parts of India, Alzheimer’s and other memory problems rarely exist
and researchers say it’s because turmeric is used there like salt and pepper
are used in the U.S. and if you’re not familiar with it (turmeric), here’s a
recipe for a dressing to help you in your quest for youthful arteries.
Make sure to put the following items on this week’s grocery list.

The Recipe-Creamy Turmeric-Garlic Dressing!

Garlic 4 cloves (like turmeric, it also helps keep arteries flexible and supple)
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon
2 tsp. of ground turmeric
2 tsp. of Dijon mustard
1 tsp. of honey
1/4 tsp. of black pepper
To make:
Heat oven to 400*F. Place garlic in a glass baking dish; add the olive oil.
Roast until garlic is softened, (about 10 to 15 mins.)
Grate 1 tsp. of zest from the lemon and squeeze 3 Tbs. of juice from the
lemon. Get out the blender and place the zest, lemon juice, garlic cloves
and the rest of the ingredients in the blender and puree until smooth.
Enough for 4 servings.
Use this creamy dressing on salads, stir-fried vegetables and meat dishes.
Marinate chicken, salmon or London broil for an hour or two and then
grill in the oven or outdoors on the grill.
Important tip:
Eating more greens, (spinach, kale, broccoli, watercress, etc.) thwarts
blood-vessel stiffening, thanks to the vitamin K in them.

One last tip: Go back and read yesterday’s post- The Camp Fire Treat
For Better Health! It too, tells you about the benefits one can get by eating
dark chocolate… more youthful arteries which translates to more flexible
and youthful arteries.

* Indian Research Team
* Northwestern Univ. Research Dept.
* A Taste of Home-Magazine

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