Strong Bones For Life!

Ladies, some good news and some bad news.
First, the bad news: If you’re over 50 you’re at risk for osteoporosis
(weak and thinning bones).
Your estrogen levels are declining.

And the good news:
There are a few incredibly easy things you can do that won’t cost you a small
fortune or have you eating a ton of greens and other bland foods.

The Tips For Stronger Bones:
a) Hop To It-
Rest was often the Rx for any ailment, (backaches, tiredness, etc) but not
anymore, today, you have to move more and in the case of thinning bones,
you have to hop, hop, hop to stronger bones.
It’s called a kettle dance, and all you have to do is hop from one foot to the other
for 3 mins. Doing this type of weight-bearing exercise strengthen bones as effectively
as doctor-prescribed bone thinning meds. Doctors also say that gentle types of exercise
like Tai-Chi or yoga may be better for you than strenuous exercise.
Important tip: If you haven’t exercised in awhile, go slowly, start with a minute and work
your way up to 3 mins.

b) Sleep-
Another positive benefit of sleeping between 6 and 8 hours-stronger bones.
Getting this amount of sleep reduces osteoporosis risk by up to 50% since
sleep spurs the growth of bone-building cells.
Important tip: If you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, you
may want to massage your own feet and hands or ask someone to do it,
eat your last meal no later than 7:00 pm or take melatonin 3mg. an hour
before bed. It (melatonin) not only helps you sleep, it also helps trigger bone
building cells to produce more new bone development.
Talk to your doctor before taking any type of supplement.

c) Go Green-
Are you eating your greens? Well, if you’re not, it may be causing your bones to
thin. You don’t have to eat greens like an elephant or a rabbit, but try and get
a cup or two of greens into your daily menus.
Greens contain ample amounts of vitamin K, which help the body better absorb
bone-strengthening calcium.
Not a fan of eating greens? Drink them. Add some spinach or kale to a smoothie.

d) The One-Two Punch-
Researchers say that Swiss chard with some lemon juice is a powerful combination
if bone health is a concern. So powerful in fact, that it not only improves bone health,
but reduces your risk of getting a fracture. Adding lemon juice to stir-fried or steamed
Swiss chard allows you absorb more of the nutrients from the green veggie.

e) Quit Now-
Another reason to give up smoking and if you don’t smoke, keep it that way.
Researchers say that too much attention was given to the respiratory health (lungs)
of people who smoke and not enough attention to what it can do to your bones.
Need help quitting? Go online to and take advantage of all the videos
devoted to helping you quit smoking.

f) Enjoy This Comfort Food-
As mentioned in the above tip, (c) calcium-rich foods strengthen bones to help ward off
fractures, especially later in life. And doctors say you won’t get the bone-strengthening
benefits from supplements of calcium, but you will get it (calcium) from yogurt, cheese,
and milk. Get about 1,300 mg of calcium and 60 grams of protein a day and your risk
of fractures decreases by 35% and hip fractures by 45%. Getting plenty of protein and
calcium helps maintain bone and muscle mass to reduce risk of falls.

g) A Recipe For Success:
If you’re a fan of creamy and smooth Mac & Cheese and you were feeling guilty
about your love affair with the decadent comfort food put those fears aside
and indulge, you’re doing your bones some good.
Recipe for Creamy Twice-Baked Mac & Cheese
8 oz. of regular, gluten-free or vegetable based elbow macaroni
1 cup of skim milk
1/2 cup of nonfat Greek yogurt
8 oz. of grated Cheddar cheese
4 oz. of grated Mozzarella cheese
2 Eggs, beaten
salt, 1/2 tsp.
black pepper, 1/2 tsp.
paprika, 1/2 tsp.
To make:
Heat oven to 375*F. Coat a square baking dish with cooking spray.
Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain, let cool.
In a bowl, combine pasta with remaining ingredients; transfer to the baking
dish. Bake with a cover on it for 40 mins. and then uncovered for 10 more mins.
Make sure to keep an eye on it to avoid overcooking.
Another tip:
If you don’t want the calories from pasta, you can certainly use vegetables as
a substitute for pasta. Go online to and type recipes for carb-free
Mac & Cheese.

* National Institute of Health
* Journal of Nutrition
* A Taste of Home, Magazine
* Eating Well, Website
* Denmark Research Team
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