If you’re undecided on what gift to give that member of the family (or friend)
who’s decided that 2023 will be the year they get in better shape (lose weight)
then you may want to buy him (or her) an air-fryer.

An Air-Fryer, why?
Ever since they hit the market about a dozen years ago, they’ve grown in popularity,
thanks to their ease of use, versatility–and the delicious meals they create in
record time.
Even better news- the air-fryer has proven to be a surprisingly effective slim-down
tool, helping men and women reduce calorie intake by up to 80% and drop 20,
40 and 100 plus pounds all the while enjoying their favorite foods.

Still not convinced?
Here are four more benefits:
a) Slash Calories And-
Chemicals. Air-fryers only require a spritz of oil or none at all. Make chicken
strips in an air-fryer and not deep fried on top of the stove and slash 500 or more
Researchers also say that oils used for deep-frying are highly processed and
can form harmful compounds at high temperatures. Plus, during deep frying,
oil undergoes oxidation, which creates health-harming free radicals that trigger
inflammation and trigger inflammation and chronic illnesses like heart disease.
Use an air-fryer and you won’t have to worry about these things.

b) Eat More-
Vegetables. Not a big vegetable eater? You’re not alone, only 1in 10 adults eat the
recommended daily allowance that medical professionals suggest, so get an
air-fryer and that may change. People now boast that they now love vegetables
thanks to their air-fryers. Why? They come out crispy and tastier.
More benefits: Eating more veggies, ease digestion, boost mood, improve heart
health, make slimming easier and more.

c) Dieting Becomes Easier-
Are you following a keto or plant-based diet? Use the air-fryer and make keto
meatballs or a plant-based pizza. The air-fryer uses very little to no oil and it
also makes low-carb cooking a breeze.

d) Save Money-
Another benefit many people report about their air-fryers: They’re saving money.
Buying food and then cooking it in an air-fryer means less waste and more savings.
So, if you used to buy in bulk only to throw out a lot of food, restart the habit again.
Some families also say that they save money by staying home and not going out
to restaurants like they used to.

e) A Meaty Dish For Beginner’s-
If this article has you convinced or if you were convinced before this article to get
an air-fryer, here’s a recipe to start your air-frying journey.
The recipe:
Rosemary-Balsamic Pork Chops!
The vinegar and honey in this recipe creates a tangy-sweet glaze that puts
the regular, old pork chops smothered in gravy to shame.
2 Tbs. of Balsamic vinegar
2 Tbs. of honey
2 tsp. of fresh rosemary, (chopped)
1 tsp. of onion powder
1 tsp. of cracked black pepper
1/2 tsp. of salt
4 (3/4″ thick) bone-in-pork loin rib chops, about 2 lbs. each
To make:
Place the crisper plate in the basket of 7 qt. air-fryer. Coat crisper plate with
cooking spray. Place basket in air fryer to preheat the crisper plate. Heat air fryer
according to manufacturer’s directions for air fry at 375*F.
In a bowl, combine vinegar and honey, reserve: in another bowl, combine the
seasonings and rosemary. Rub over the chops. Remove basket from air-fryer.
Transfer chops to crisper plate in basket. Insert basket back into air-fryer.
Set air-fryer timer for 10 mins. Cook chops, about 5 mins. Brush with half
of reserved honey and vinegar mixture; flip the chops. Cook until no longer
pink near bone, about 5 mins. brushing with the rest of the honey and vinegar,
for the last 2 minutes of cooking. Transfer the chops to a cutting board or
serving platter and garnish with lemon slices and sprigs of rosemary.
Calories per chop-375, Prot-37g. Carbs-11g.

* Samantha Milner, First Air-Fryer Blogger
* Janet Penwell, of Ohio, Lost 70 lbs. using an Air-Fryer
* Sheri Vettel, Dietitian and Air-Fryer User

Please pass this article on to family and friends who are thinking
about getting an air-fryer or to those who already own one.
Share it (the article) over at Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Reddit,
Instagram, Pinterest, Tik-Tok and Twitter.