If you find it harder to breathe in the winter, you’re not alone.
A number of people find that their lungs have to work harder in the
Winter and if you’re looking for a natural (food) solution to build up
your lungs, look no further than the Italian-American community.

The Italian-American community?
Yes it’s true and their secret:
Italian-Americans who are Roman Catholics celebrate the midnight birth of
Jesus by eating seven types of fish (known in Italian as Laviglia),
on Christmas eve. Fish is a main dish, as they Italians avoid red meat leading
up to the holiday. And if seven types of fish at one time seems a bit overwhelming,
then start slowly with one or two types of fatty fish, especially if you’re hoping to build
up lung capacity.

It (fatty fish) doesn’t just protect your heart and brain from the ravages of aging,
it also keeps your lungs int tip-top shape. Researchers say that people with higher
doses of Omega-3 fatty acids (especially DHA) experience less decline in lung
function over an average of seven years.

So, if you find that your lung function is declining like a lot of other things, (memory
and stamina), perhaps a serving or two of fatty fish is the only natural remedy you’ll
Fatty fish to eat: Sardines, mackerel, tuna (in water) trout, salmon, cod, whitings
and flounder.

And for those who can’t afford to eat or don’t like to eat fish, you can get your
omega-3 fatty acids from avocados, flaxseed and walnuts.

One last tip:
Make sure to prepare the fish in a way that benefits your heart, lungs and brain.
So, don’t deep fry the fish in vats of oil and serve it (the fish) with high quality
side dishes. That means no greasy fries, Mac & Cheese, hush puppies,
baked beans with plenty of brown sugar and sugary beverages, etc.

* Cornell University, N.Y. Research Dept.
* University of California– Davis/ Research Scientists
* First For Women, Nov. 27th 2023 Issue

Please make sure you pass this article on to friends and family, especially
to those who are experiencing diminished lung function and to those
who have strong lungs.
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