A Keto Christmas Cookie Recipe!

Are you planning on baking cookies this holiday season?
Well, for many, baking cookies for Christmas is a tradition,
but if you’re concerned about all of that baking and weight gain,
there’s some good news for you.

The good news:
You can now bake and eat (in moderation) a certain type of cookie
and actually lose weight.
How is this possible you ask?
Just add a certain spice to the batter, a spice that aids in weight loss.

That’s right, although the news about the spice (as a weight loss aid)
has been common knowledge, a woman who wanted something sweet
and festive really discovered the powers of this spice.

And now, onto the spice that not only tastes great in soups, stews and baked
goods, but can also help you shed those stubborn pounds, is ginger.

Yes, Florida resident, Martha Love was following a keto diet and having success
at lowering her weight, but missed having a sweet treat, and that’s when she
decided to make gingerbread cookies, and really noticed her weight dropping even

Why is ginger such a powerhouse, you ask when it comes to weight loss?
Compounds in ginger that make your tongue tingle, gingerols raise body temperature
and boost metabolism. Each teaspoon can blast an extra 64 calories.

But hold on, there’s more that this spice can do, like…
* Flatten your stomach-
Enjoying a tsp. of ginger each day can lower high blood sugar by 20 mg/dl in
12 weeks. And as blood sugar normalizes, it helps bring down levels of the
belly-flattening hormone insulin.
How powerful is the effect? A separate test found simply consuming
ginger daily helps you melt off 665% more stomach fat.
* Block Fat-
Ginger inhibits how much fat your gut absorbs. Plus, it (ginger) can keep you
from going overboard on other foods like prime rib and potatoes, lasagne,
and sweet potato pie.
* Lower Cholesterol-
A safer. less expensive and natural statin.
If weight loss isn’t something that you need to do, but high cholesterol is a
concern, then add more ginger to your meals, baked goods and teas.
The compound in ginger (gingerol) helps you burn off excess cholesterol,
and a tsp. a day lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol by 30 points in about 3 months.

So, now that you’re aware of this news, are you going to give ginger
a try this holiday season?
Well, to help you get started, here’s a cookie recipe from the aformentioned
Martha Love, the recipe-Martha’s Ginger Cookies!
3/4 cup of almond butter
1/4 cup of keto brown sugar replacement
3 eggs
1 Tbs. of melted butter
1/4 tsp. of salt
1 1/3 cups of vanilla protein powder like Equip brand
1 1/2 Tbs. ginger
2 tsp. of baking powder
To make:
Mix nut butter and sweetener. Add eggs and butter. Add remaining ingredients.
Drop by tablespoonfuls on a lined baking sheet. Bake at 325*F for 10 to 15 mins.
Makes a dozen cookies.
Each cookie has 2g carbs each and 12 g of protein.
Important tip:
You may not be able to find these ingredients for the cookies on
your store shelves, and if that’s the case, go online to a store that
sells keto products or to Amazon.com.

And lastly,
If you’re not a sweet eater, but still want the weight loss effects from ginger
you can add it to your oatmeal, keto toast, a bowl of butternut squash or
tomato soup or make a ginger dressing for salad or stir-fried veggies.
The recipe for ginger dressing:
Whisk 1/3 cup of olive oil, 2 Tbs. each of grated fresh ginger, soy sauce
and peanut butter and 1 tsp. of minced garlic.

That’s it, your recipe for baking holiday Gingerbread cookies that won’t
cause your waistline to expand.
Good Luck!

* Michael Lam, M.D. Health Expert
* Ginger expert-Allison Tannis, MSc, RHN
* Martha Love- Keto Follower and Baker
* Article in Woman’s World Magazine, Dec. 4th 2023 Edition

Please make sure to share this article and (recipe) on to family and friends
who love holiday baking (specifically cookies) but are concerned about weight
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