If you’re a fan of peanut butter, there’s some good news for you.

The good news:
Eating a small amount each day can do wonders for your health, how so?
a) Reduce Hunger Pangs-
The protein in peanut butter is broken down into 2 amino acids that can
dampen hunger and nix cravings for carbohydrates for up to 3 hours.
Plus, the amino acids in peanut butter can reduce snacking by 80%
and slash overall calorie intake by 15%.
b) Boost Concentration-
Reduce brain fog and increase concentration with a Tbs. (or two) of P.B.
each day. The healthy fats in P.B. speed up the communication
between neurons and spur the healing of aging and damaged brain cells.
c) Better Blood Sugar Control-
Peanut butter contains monounsaturated fats and these fats improve the
ability of cells to absorb and burn excess sugar for fuel, while its oleic
acid increases cells’ sensitivity to the blood sugar-regulating
hormone insulin, cutting the risk of blood-sugar spikes in half.
d) Energized and Happy-
Peanut butter contains good fats that boost both energy levels and moods.

So, are you convinced it (peanut butter) is more than just a childhood
treat that can add pounds to your frame? Okay, now it’s time to
use this delectable fat to help you reap some of the aforementioned
benefits. And to get those benefits, here are 3 smoothie recipes using
the childhood favorite aka peanut butter.

Recipe No. 1-
Peanutty Berry Smoothie!

The blueberries in this smoothie will help you shed a few pounds.
Blueberries contain plant pigments that help you lose weight.

1 cup of non-fat vanilla yogurt
1 cup of blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1/4 cup of peanut butter
1/4 tsp. of ground ginger
1/2 cup of Ice, optional
To make:
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth, add the Ice and
blend for another 20 to 30 secs.

Recipe No. 2-
Double-Nut Chocolate Smoothie!

Need a mood boost? Drink your bananas and boost moods by 20%.
Bananas contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that brightens moods.

1 1/2 cups of dark chocolate almond milk
1 banana
1/4 cup of peanut butter
1 Tbs. of honey
1/4 tsp. of mint extract (optional)
To make:
Prior to making this, freeze the banana for an hour, or just use a few Ice
cubes if you want it cold.
Peel and slice a banana; put it in the blender along with the rest of the
ingredients and blend until smooth.

Recipe No. 3-
Coconut Strawberry Smoothie!

Want to increase your metabolism? Make sure to drink coconut milk.
Coconut milk contains fatty acids that boost metabolism by 45%.

1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk
1 cup of strawberries, fresh or frozen (cut in half)
1/4 cup of peanut butter
1 Tbs. of honey
1 tsp. of lemon juice
To make:
In a blender, blend all ingredients until smooth.
Add a 1/2 cup of Ice if you prefer your smoothie extra cold
and add lastly, add a few slices of strawberries as a garnish.

One last tip:
Now that you know about the benefits of peanut butter, make sure
when purchasing it, to spend a few extra dollars and buy top quality
peanut butter. Also important: Eat only a Tb. or two each day.
Yes it’s good for you, but a Tbs. can become 2 or 3 or more.
Some of the best natural peanut butters:
Teddie’s All-Natural Peanut Butter
Crazy Richard’s All Natural Peanut Butter
Skippy’s Natural Peanut Butter
Santa Cruz All Natural Peanut Buttter
Newman’s Own Natural Peanut Butter
Find these brands at supermarkets, Whole Foods, Thrive markets
or online at Amazon.com

* American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* University of North Carolina, Research Dept.
* Harvard University, Research Dept.

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