Benefits of a Big Breakfast.

If you travel more during this time of year, then you know how to deal with the
things that may make your flight a nightmare, (long lines, too little staff,
flight delays, annoying passengers, etc.) but what about jet lag?

Feeling worn out and foggy are just two of the symptoms of long plane rides
and if you’re a regular flier who experiences this (jet lag), believe it or not,
a simple diet tweak may be the thing that actually cures it.

The dietary tweak:
A bigger breakfast.
Why, you ask?
Your organs operate under a body clock dictated by mealtimes, but
traveling can disrupt those schedules, which may lead to late night

Snacking well into the evening can throw off your internal clocks and
cause tiredness and drowsiness.

So, to get back on track and feel upbeat and energetic, just have a big meal
in the morning and you’ll reset your body’s internal clock. This one trick
acclimates your body and (organs) to a new time zone and prevents the
brain fog and other symptoms caused by jet lag.

That’s it, and for those who say they only prefer a cup of coffee or a protein
bar in the morning, go ahead and have your small meals or snacks, but for
those who travel on a regular basis, and are tired of the jet lag, give this
tip a try.

* The Journal Chaos
* Australian Research Team

Please make sure to pass this information along to friends and family
who travel regularly by air. You can share this great tip on Facebook,
Instagram (stories), Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
