Eat your way to a cold and flu-free Winter.

When it comes to breakfast, there are a number of options you can choose:
Cereal, (hot or cold), bacon and eggs, Sausage and eggs, a fruit smoothie,
pancakes, French toast or English muffins or bagels with cream cheese.
And there are those who choose polenta.
Yes, typically made from medium-to coarsely ground flint corn and tends to
have a flakier texture than grits. Or simply put: It’s a dish of boiled corn meal
that originally comes from Italy.
And lastly, It (polenta) may be served hot as a porridge or boiled, then allowed
to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried or grilled.

Now, that you’re aware of the dish, you may want to make it your go-to
breakfast meal (or even serve it at night) to help you boost immunity levels
and prevent the winter colds and flu.

Polenta to avoid winter illnesses?
Well, not exactly. It’s the foods added to polenta that provide the things your
immune system needs to stay hale and hearty all winter long.
The foods:
Olive oil
Spice– Cayenne Pepper
* Garlic-
This special herb can energize virus-killing cells and as a result you’ll feel
under the weather for 70% less of the time than you would if you skipped
* Olive Oil-
Contains high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids act as an anti-inflammatory
agent in the body, which also assisted in boosting the immune system and
guarding the body of infection.
* Tomatoes-
Contains ample amounts of vitamin C, which is proven fuel to your body’s
immune system.
* Cayenne Pepper-
Activate your circulatory system which aids in combating cold and flu by
increasing the blood flow and speed of immune cells getting transported
to sites of infection.

And now, onto the recipe…
Recipe for Polenta with Tomatoes and Cheese!
1 cup of cherry tomatoes, Quartered
Feta Cheese (or cheese you prefer) 1 cup
4 cloves of garlic, minced
2 Tbs. of Olive Oil
2 tsps. of Cayenne pepper
A few sprigs of fresh parsley or basil

To make: Make polenta according to the directions on the back.
Make enough for 6 servings.
Get out a platter or dish and add the tomatoes, cheese, feta (crumbled)
or another cheese and sprigs of parsley or basil.
Lastly, add the garlic, olive oil and cayenne to the pot, stir lightly,
serve in bowls or plates and allow the guests to add their own
cheese, tomatoes and parsley or basil.

One last tip:
If you tire of the above recipe, you can also make polenta a little
sweeter, using the good-for-you ingredients like dark chocolate,
blueberries, raw honey and sliced apples.
And wash it all down with the teas that also improve immune function:
green or ginger tea.

* Italian Food Researchers
* Taste of Home Magazine-April 24, 2022 edition (Polenta recipe)
*, The 17 Best Foods To Prevent Colds and Flu

Please make sure to pass this article and (recipe) on to loved ones
who are prone to winter illnesses.
You can share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram (stories),
Reddit, Tik-Tok and Twitter (X).
