If the boiled egg and turkey bacon for breakfast or bowl of oatmeal
is getting old, why not go back to something you probably ate as a child.
What is it?
Cold Cereal!

Yes, that’s right, many of you out there aren’t aware of how a bowl of cereal
can help you lose weight.
Well, it can, and researchers say that it (cereal) works better than fast food
or even protein shakes when it comes to helping you lose weight.
How so?
A cereal diet is a lot like a shake, but more satisfying in that it’s loaded
with fiber, protein and antioxidants and then add a cup of milk to it
and you now have a meal that keeps you full and satisfied for hours.

But wait, there’s more, cereal is typically fortified with vitamins and
minerals, like vitamin A, calcium, folate, vitamin B-6, magnesium
and zinc, nutrients that are linked to increased energy and a faster

Now that you’re aware of what a bowl of cereal can do for you, it’s time
to choose the cereal that’s best to slim down your waistline.
The cereal the researchers recommend is one that has cinnamon in it.
Why cinnamon?

CInnamon coated cereals have 6 times more polyphenol antioxidants,
and these antioxidants interfere with carb digestion in a way that prevents
some calories from being absorbed by the body.
Plus, polyphenols cause a short-term burst of faster calorie-burning,
lower “too-high” blood sugar, shut down sugar cravings and reduce a type
of inflammation that affects our thyroids.

So, are you willing to try this new diet?
Okay then, here are a few rules you must follow for it (the diet) to succeed.
The rules:
* Eat cereal twice a day.
* Eat one regular meal in the afternoon or at dinnertime.
For example: a 3 oz. ground turkey burger, along with a large mixed
salad with low-fat shredded cheese and vinaigrette.
Or whole-wheat pasta with sauce and grated Parmesan cheese and
a salad.
* Cereals to choose from: Kashi Go Lean Cinnamon Crisp, or Cheerios
Protein with Cinnamon, or Special K Cinnamon Brown Sugar Crunch
Protein, if you use rice krispies or regular Special K, sprinkle a
1/2 tsp. of cinnamon on top.
* Milk- choose 2% fat-free, skim, or unsweetened almond or coconut milk.
* A piece of fruit- If you’re still a little hungry or just want a little more fiber
in your diet, choose 1 piece of fruit, an apple, orange, pear, or a bowl of frozen
or fresh mixed berries.

And lastly, a fun fact: Women who eat cereal at least 4 times a week weigh,
on average, nine pounds less than women who don’t eat it.

That’s it, the childhood Rx for helping you shed those holiday pounds.

* Maggie Beers, Illinois mom and successful cereal dieter
* Michelle Shroffro Cook, M.D. and Researcher
* University of Toronto, Research Dept.
* LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center
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