Just say no to dangerous energy drinks, (Monster and Red Bull).

Most of us will feel energized and raring to go now that the weather has warmed up,
but that’s not the case for a lot of people and if you fit into the category of “no or low
energy,” and you have an energy drink (or two) hoping to boost your energy levels,
you’re sadly mistaken.
The better way:
Using whole and nutritious foods to make a creamy and tasty beverage.

The beverage will help increase your energy levels now that the temperature
is rising.

The Beverage:
An Orange Creamsicle.
1/2 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice (from real oranges)
1/4 cup of coconut milk (full-fat)
1/2 serving of a top quality protein powder
1/4 tsp. of Himalayan pink salt
To make:
Combine all ingredients in a blender until frothy.
For a colder creamsicle-add a few Ice cubes.
Drink a few minutes after waking up and then wait about 30 to 60
mins. before taking in any food.

How this tasty treat boosts energy levels:
This concoction naturally raises blood sugar and cortisol levels in the
morning, when they should be elevated.

And now, how each ingredient contributes to a boost in energy levels.
* Oranges-
Provide adrenal-supporting vitamin C and energizing glucose. Vitamin C gets
depleted when we’re under stress.
* Protein Powder-
Prevents a blood sugar spike and prepares the body for endless energy
throughout the day.
Important tip: Choose a powder free of sensitivity-triggering dairy, soy,
grains, fillers and artificial sweeteners. Product to try: NOW Foods Pea Protein.
* Coconut Milk-
Revs the output of feel-good oxytocin to stop cravings, plus prods the liver to
burn 50% more fat, especially around the midsection.
* Pink Salt-
This salt contains electrolytes that support adrenal glands-not only boosting
energy levels, but also aiding in weight loss.

One last tip:
This tasty beverage will only work if you eat and drink foods that
benefit your health. In other words, do not have this beverage in the
morning and then have fattening and highly processed food
for the rest of the day.

* Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. Author of From Fatigued to Fantastic
* Izabella Wentz, PharmD. author of Adrenal Transformation Protocol

Please make sure to pass this article and the recipe along to family and
friends who are suffering from “adrenal fatigue” or to those who just
need more “get-up-and-go” during the hazy days of Summer.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram, (stories) Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat,
Tik-Tok and Twitter.