If you’re a parent and not having any success getting your teen to eat more salad,
(greens) tell him or her to try a salad that’ll help them with a specific health problem.

A specific health problem?
Yes, they can make a salad to increase energy levels, shut down hunger, burn belly
fat, boost immunity levels (especially important during the return of Co-Vid-19)
or even improve their ability to focus.

Not sure how, or what ingredients to use?
No problem, just look below for the special health enhancing salads.

Recipe no. 1-
Beet and Carrots Salad!
Push through the last 6 weeks of summer with way more energy and to
get that type of energy eat beets.
Beets contain compounds that stimulate the activity of your cellular energy
production engines, helping you stay energized for 20% longer during physical
activities. And the sesame oil-it’ll help lower blood pressure.
To make:
Shave 4 cooked beets and 4 cooked carrots into thin ribbons and place in a large
bowl, toss in 4 thinly sliced radishes, 3 Tbs. of cilantro, 2 Tbs. of sesame oil and
1 Tbs. of apple cider vinegar. Enough for 4 servings. Refrigerate any leftovers.

Recipe no. 2-
Citrus Broccoli Salad!
If you’ve been stressing lately, you may want to ditch the white carbs and sugar
and eat more foods with high vitamin C counts. The oranges in this salad
contain ample amounts of vitamin C, a nutrient proven to dial down the adrenal
glands’ output of the stress hormone cortisol to curb feelings of tension by 75%.
To make:
In a bowl, or 4 separate containers (with lids) combine 1 cup of broccoli florets
(lightly steamed) 1 segmented orange, 1/2 cup cooked quinoa, half a small bulb
of fennel, 2 Tbs. of olive oil and 2 tsp. of lemon juice, toss well to coat.

Recipe no. 3-
The BST & E Salad!
A BST & E Salad? Yes, a bacon, spinach, tomato and egg salad.
Eat this salad if you want to trim a few inches off your midsection.
The eggs contain choline, a B vitamin that activates fat burning in the liver.
And the spinach, contains compounds that speed up your metabolism
by a whopping 55%.
To make:
Boil about 8 eggs 30 to 60 minutes before preparing the salad.
Remove the egg shells and place 2 eggs (sliced into wedges) into
4 separate container, add 2 slices of bacon, (turkey or regular) a few
spinach leaves, 3 cherry tomatoes, a few slivers of mozzarella or cheddar
into each container and drizzle on some olive oil and red wine vinegar.
Important tip: If you plan on making this salad for yourself, you may want
to use a bowl, and just drizzle olive oil and vinegar on the salad you plan to eat.
Save the rest for tomorrow’s lunch or dinner.

Recipe no. 4-
Zesty Sweet Potato Salad!
Want to cut down on the number of days you get sick each year?
Eat this salad and boost your immunity levels.
Thanks to the sweet potato’s rich stores of beta carotene, you’ll fire up
the output of infection-fighting T cells in your system.
To make:
Before making this salad, bake 3 or 4 sweet potatoes in the oven
(or boil them on top of the stove)–let them cool down, peel them
and add them (Cubed) to a large bowl, add mixed greens (romaine
or arugula) 1/4 cup of parsley or cilantro, 1 cup of black beans
(rinsed and drained) and 1/4 cup of diced yellow or red onions.
Toss well, and drizzle with lime juice and 1/4 cup of olive oil.
Any leftovers can be refrigerated for up to 5 days.

Recipe no. 5-
Southwestern Salad!
If the warm temperatures aren’t able to shut down your insatiable appetite,
maybe this salad will be able to do it. Made with avocados, a source of
“good-for-you”fat, a type of fat that triggers the release of a compound that
sends an “I’m full” signal to the brain.
To make:
In 4 separate containers or a large bowl, mix 2 cups of spinach, 1 sliced red
bell pepper, 1 cup of chickpeas, (rinsed and drained) and 1/2 cup of corn,
cooked or grilled. Toss and drizzle with lime juice and olive oil.
Add the diced and cubed avocado to the salad right before eating, to avoid

Recipe no. 6-
Kale Harvest Salad-
Can’t focus, can’t concentrate, Help! No problem, just make this salad loaded with
kale and start acing those exams.
Kale contains 2 nutrients, ( kaempferol and alpha-linolenic acid) which energize
the brain’s concentration centers.
To make:
Before making this salad, boil or bake a few baby potatoes, clean a few kale leaves
and steam them for a min. or two. Now, cut up the kale and potatoes,
place in a large bowl, add some pine nuts, dried cranberries and toss.
Drizzle some olive oil and apple cider on top and enjoy.
If you plan on only eating one serving, do not pour the oil and vinegar
over the whole bowl.

One more tip: If you want recipes for dressings that contain ingredients that
improve your health, read our post, healthy salad dressings.
You should find it easily as it was posted right before this post.

* British Researchers
* Joseph Mercola, M.D. author of Fat For Fuel
* Journal of Alternative Medicine

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