There’s some interesting news coming out concerning the aftermath of
the pandemic.
The News:
Thousands of restaurants have closed as a result of the pandemic,
but fast food restaurants are making a killing.

These restaurants are selling triple sized burgers, extra large servings of fries
and beverages made with heavy carbs, cookies and candy.

And why is this news important?
Because a number of people have said that brain fog and listlessness
are causing them to feel sleepy and unmotivated come 1:00 or 2:00 pm
and making it difficult to complete their work days.

If this is happening to you and you’re eating fast food from Sonic Burger
or eating a triple Big Mac from Mickey D’s, then you may want to switch things
up and buy foods that’ll help you stay focused and energized right up until
4:00 and 5:00 pm or prepare something at home and bring it with you.

According to researchers, people who eat high fat or high carb lunch meals
become drowsier and more unfocused as the day goes on and those who
eat medium amounts of carbs and fat, don’t experience the same problems,
but to really stay focused and full of pep, you’ll need more protein and
about 30% or less carbs.

So, if you’re in the “feeling sleepy and can’t finish the workday crowd”
and want a simple solution, start your day with a green smoothie,
(made with spinach, or kale, banana, avocado, 1 Tbs. of avocado or olive oil
and Ice). Or have a protein-rich breakfast of eggs, turkey bacon, goat cheese
and spinach and eat the same type of meals (protein-rich and low carb) for lunch.

And lastly, if you want that plate of pasta with garlic bread or
burger, fries and thick milkshake, have it in the evening.
These 2 meals when eaten at 6:00 or 7:00 pm will help you
feel drowsier and sleepy come 10:00 or 11:00 pm.

* U.K. Research Scientists
* Harvard Nutrition Research Team
* Australian Study on High Fat and High Carb Foods
and Productivity

Please pass this information on to family and friends who
enjoy big heavy meals at lunch-time but then complain of
sluggishness and brain fog. You can share this info over at
Facebook, Instagram (stories), Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit,
Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
