Put Bread back on the Menu!

If you’re craving bread but are avoiding it due to the carbs and calories, hold on,
there’s some good news.

The good news:
Head to your local supermarket and pick up some bread made of sprouted grains.
Sprouted grains?
Yes, in addition to tasting great, sprouting grains, a process in which they’re allowed
to partially germinate, changes their nutritional content to make nutrients easier for
your body to absorb, plus lowers their carbohydrate content.
Most low carb diets allow 25 to 50 grams of carbs daily, and a single slice of whole-
grain bread has up to 25 grams.But sprouted bread has 10 fewer grams of carbs
per serving.

So, if this describes you and you’re tired of using lettuce and greens (kale and collards)
as wraps for burgers, BLTs and ham sandwiches, pick up the bread called
“Dave’s Killer Bread Sprouted Whole Grain Thin Slice,” which has 13 grams of
net carbs per slice and also contains 3 grams of alpha-linoenic acid (ALA),
a healthy plant-based omega-3 fatty acid.

And lastly:
If you grow tired of this bread, don’t despair, today, you can also get pretzels, tortillas,
and cereal made with low-carb sprouted grains.

* Journal of Nutrition
* First For Women Magazine-June 2023 Edition

Please make sure to share this article onto family and friends who’ve given
up bread because of the calories and carbs.
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