We’re two weeks into Spring 2022 and you what that means: It’ll be Summer in a
couple of months and many of you are hoping to get into that one-piece bathing suit
or two piece-bikini.

If that’s the case, then make sure to include plenty of greens.
What type of greens?
The greens that are in season and reasonably priced,
you know, greens like…

a) The Energy Booster-
You’ll need help if you plan on doing more walking, biking or dancing to
get into bathing suit shape and the green that’ll lend a hand is broccoli rabe.
Cook a nice roast beef or roasted chicken with garlic and then add some
broccoli rabe.
Broccoli rabe contains polyphenols, which help your liver burn fats to produce
the energy enzyme ATP. Eating some a few times a week could boost energy and
stamina by 35%.
Some more cooking tips:
Blanch it to remove bitterness and then add to beef or sausage and veggie stir-fries
or add it to beef stew.

b) Slow Down The Aging Process-
If you’re familiar with the saying-“Black don’t crack” then you may want to eat the
popular green served in the South and in a lot of African American households, the
green: Collard Greens. A daily 1 cup serving of collard greens can make your skin look
smoother, healthier and up to 7 years younger.
The nutrients in collards (lutein, beta-carotene and vitamin C), heal and rejuvenate
the epidermal layer of the skin, plus prompt the formation of strong, healthy, skin-
smoothing collagen. Need a recipe? Type Alternative to a Flour Wrap at the top
of this blog and you’ll find a recipe for a chicken and collard green wrap.

c) Help With Stomach Issues-
Gut health is all the rage today and if you want a natural and inexpensive solution
to your tummy woes, eat more asparagus. Popular this time of year, the green
stalk-like veggie is loaded with compounds that fuel the growth of healthy probiotic
bacteria in the intestines. Researchers say eat about 5 or 6 a day to cut bloat and
gassiness by 45%.
A cooking tip: Want a sweeter tasting asparagus? Roast them in the oven at
400*F. for 8 to 10 minutes.

d) Boost Immunity-
What good is a slim and trim body if your immunity isn’t up to par?
Well, to remedy that, add more kale to your daily menus.
Eating a few cups of kale each week enhances immune cell communication
to strengthen your ability to fight viral invaders by 40%.
Cooking tip: Here’s an idea for a savory side dish. Saute minced garlic until
lightly browned and add some clean and chopped up kale.
Cover and cook until tender. Eat this dish with some roasted chicken and
mashed faux potatoes, (mashed cauliflower) or after sauteeing it, toss the
kale into a pasta and veggie stir-fry.

e) Get Focused-
If you have trouble staying focused on your goal (of losing weight) add
a few cups of peas to your daily meal plans. A cup a day can sharpen your
focus for up to 5 hours. Researchers say that 25% of this veggie’s calories
come from amino acids the building blocks of the brain-energizing
hormone dopamine. Plus, peas contain nutrients that help brain cells
absorb and use glucose for fuel.

f) A Weight-Loss Green-
All greens can help you if weight loss is your goal, but to really slim down,
you’ll need more cabbage. Savoy cabbage to be exact. It’s milder, sweeter
and more tender than its red and green cousins. The cabbage also offers a
unique blend of nutrients that block fat absorption in the intestines and flush
trapped fluids–helping you effortlessly shed 3 pounds monthly if you
add a heaping cup of this cabbage to your daily meal plans.
Cooking tip: Clean and thinly slice savoy cabbage and then quickly stir-fry
it with onions, pepper, garlic and a lean meat (sliced chicken or roast beef)
or fish.

* Stanford University, Research Dept.
* French Scientists
* Columbia University, Research Dept.
* USDA Researchers
A gift for Mother’s day, if your mom is 40, 50 or older and she’s worried about
getting older, help put those fears to rest and click on buy recipes (at the top
of this blog) and download The Stay Healthy Tips for Women Ages 20 to 80.