If weight loss is your resolution for the new year, just make sure to include
plenty of frozen vegetables.

Why frozen vegetables?
They’re already prepared, washed and cut up and this not only eliminates
prep-work, but it ‘s also convenient if you want to use them as side dishes
or add them to soups, stews or stir-fries.
Plus, frozen vegetables are reasonably priced, low in calories, high in fiber
and cleaned and put away within hours after picking them.

So, if you’ve been led to believe that only fresh vegetables are the only
and most nutritious way to get healthy or lose weight, you’re wrong,
head to the freezer section of your local supermarket and pick up
the 6 best vegetables to lose weight.

The 6 Best:
a) Broccoli-
This green vegetable may be the most popular veggie when it comes to
weight loss. It’s not only popular in a number of medium and low-income
households, but a number of male movie stars eat it as the green vegetable
to help them into super shape for a movie role. (Stars like Michael B. Jordan,
Chris Hemsworth, Mark Wahlberg and Jonathan Majors). They all follow the popular
chicken, white rice and broccoli diet.

b) Butternut Squash-
Yes, they may be higher in calories, but you can use B. squash
to add to soups and make creamy bases for other dishes like
Low-cal Mac & Cheese or Vegetable Lasagne.
c) Cauliflower-
From the same family as broccoli, cauliflower like butternut squash
can be substituted for other high calorie foods like rice and pizza crusts.
d) Green Beans-
Not just for Thanksgiving, but all year round, buy a number of bags and
use them for tasty side dishes or add to soups and stews.
e) Green Peas-
Not often thought of as “low-calorie” but they are, and another benefit:
Peas are very high in protein and if you’re giving up meat during the next month
or next few months, peas are a great and tasty way to increase your protein amounts.
f) Spinach-
This is a no brainer, spinach is quite popular this time of year, especially concerning
weight loss and if you tire of buying it fresh and then washing and cutting it up,
just buy it frozen. Frozen spinach can be added to stir-fried dishes or green smoothies.

There you have it, the 6 best frozen vegetables for you if weight loss is your 2024
New Year’s resolution.
One more tip:
For more info on the 6 or 12 best vegetables for weight loss, head on
over to EatingWell.com and type the 6 Best Vegetables for Weight Loss
in the search bar, scroll down and click on the full article.

* EatingWell.com (popular website)
* Elizabeth Shaw, M.S. RDN CPT
* Article reviewed by Emily Lachtrupp, M.S. RD

Please make sure to share this article with family and friends who think
fresh vegetables are the superior vegetables or to those who just want
to shed a few pounds this winter.
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