Time To Shed The Winter  Weight!

It’s almost March and you’re getting a little antsy because
you know in about 3 months it’ll be bathing suit season.

Well, if you’re hoping to lose 10 to 20 pounds by Memorial
day, (end of May) but don’t want to starve yourself,
don’t despair, just look below, for the foods that’ll help
you shed the weight easily and effortlessly.

Add the following foods to this week’s grocery list.

a) Avocado-
If you’re thinking high-fat, high calorie, you’re half right.
Avocados are loaded with healthy omega-9 fats, which
are essential oils that make cells in your muscles melt
5% more fat. Plus, these oils calm your brain’s hunger
center, helping you to prevent diet-sabotaging cravings.
Recommended dose: 1/2 avocado a day.
Important tip: make sure to make your avocado dish-
diet friendly. Do not make a dip out of the avocado
along with 10 to 12 crackers.
Cut a few avocado slices and add them to a salad,
or blend together an avocado, a few spices, herbs
and some mustard and eat it without the crackers.
b) Tuna-
A staple in most households, for 99 cents (or less)
you could trim 10 pounds in the next 3 weeks, by eating
more tuna. Tuna contains omega-3 fatty acids, that
help your body’s ability to use leptin, a hormone that
curbs between meal snacking.
c) Yogurt-
Plain yogurt can help you lose 25% more weight and 60%
more fat. Yogurt has a blend of “good probiotic bacteria
and protein that stimulates your liver to burn fat for
fuel. Eat between 1 and 1 1/2 cups a day to see results.
d) Spinach-
One of the best foods for those who want to slim down.
Whether it’s eaten raw or lightly cooked, this green
can speed up weight loss by 15%. Special compounds
in spinach move blood sugar into your blood cells
where it’s burned for energy instead of stored as fat.
Add raw spinach to a salad or juicer or cook with lean
meats and other vegetables for a quick stir-fry.
e) Grapefruit-
More specifically pink grapefruit, can help you lose
between 20 and 25 pounds in about 3 months.
This color of grapefruit contains a reddish pigment
called lycopene, plus 3 other powerful compounds
block fat absorption and boost your metabolism.
Eat 1/2 grapefruit a day, 3 to 5 times a week.
Important tip:
If you’re on any type of medication, check it online,
for any side-effects, as the acid in grapefruit may
cause some issues. Or ask your doctor if any
problems may occur, if you add grapefruit to
your diet.
e) Flaxseeds-
Ground flaxseeds in a smoothie or sprinkled
on millet or oatmeal may help you shed a few pounds
each month. Credit goes to the plant fats that steadies
blood sugar, enhances fat burning and dials down

John Hopkins University
The Journal -Hormones