Stopping the Leg Cramps.

Although cramps can happen any time of the year, they seem to hit most people during
the Summer months.
Experts say that cramps occur for a myriad of reasons, like…
* Dehydration- not drinking enough or eating enough water-rich foods
* Strenuous Exercise- Yes, now that it’s warmer, you’re able to get outside
and move more. And you may also be skimping on your water intake.
* Tight Inflexible Muscles.
* Being pregnant-Women
* Certain Meds you may be taking
* Dietary Changes-
Have you become a carnivore or a strict vegan?
Leaving out certain food groups that supply you with certain
minerals and electrolytes may be causing your cramps.

But don’t despair-help is here, listed below are some foods and beverages
that will supply you with vital minerals and electrolytes that are necessary
to keep the cramps away.

The Top Foods and Beverages:
a) Leafy Greens-
If you eat more greens during the summer, good for you. You’re also
getting a number of nutrients your body needs. One being potassium-
a mineral, that helps your heart beat normally and helps move nutrients
into your cells and take the waste products out.
What types of greens?
Swiss Chard

b) Bone Broth-
Gaining in popularity, this beverage is great for hydration because it’s
water-based. Concerned about the salt? Well, you may need more
salt during the warmer months, especially if you exercise more.
Important tip:
If high blood pressure is a problem, you may have to avoid this beverage
and find a suitable replacement. Or look online-go to YouTube and
find some videos on salt-free broths.

c) Avocados-
Another win for the green fruit, it’s loaded with a number of vital
nutrients and good-for-you fats, all of which keep your blood circulating,
helping to prevent painful cramps.

d) Salmon-
Or other fatty fish like tuna, trout, mackerel and sardines.
It too, like avocado supplies your body with vital nutrients and good-
for -you- fats.
Important tips:
Look for top quality salmon, trout and sardines, and avoid cooking them
in deep vats of oil. Eating deep fried battered fish on a regular basis, will not
only clog arteries around the heart and brain, but everywhere in the body.

e) Coconut Water-
It doesn’t get the credit it deserves as a product that not only tastes
great and refreshing especially in the hot, hazy and humid months,
but it’s also loaded with electrolytes that can help end or stave off
painful cramps.

f) Melons-
Ah, the time when many of us will indulge in all kinds of melons,
(watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe) and that’s a good thing.
All melons are loaded with water and that water floods your body
helping you to stay hydrated and cramp-free.

g) Tomatoes-
If you’re able to get your hands on fresh tomatoes now that it’s
summer, please do so. Like melons, tomatoes are also loaded with
special nutrients and plenty of water, helping you avoid and/or stop
painful cramps.
Important tip:
You may be tempted to use your bounty of tomatoes to make fattening
and great tasting sauces for pasta dishes and stews. But just enjoy
them sliced up in salads, eat them like apples or make your own
healthy tomato juice and enjoy a few glasses each day.

h) Beans-
As more people give up meat, beans have become quite popular
as the “protein-replacement” and if you’re eating them once a week
or 5 times a week, continue to do so , especially when it comes to
stopping or preventing cramps. Beans are high in the mineral phosphorus
and it’s actually the most abundant mineral in your body, second only to calcium
and without enough of it, you can’t relax and contract your muscles,
which only makes those cramps worse.
So, add beans to soups, stews, baked goods or serve them over rice or mashed
(or baked) potatoes.

That’s it, the 8 best foods and beverages to prevent painful summer cramps.
And if you want more foods, beverages and tips on how to avoid painful cramps,
go to the website and type Eating these Foods Can Prevent
Muscle Cramps, in the search bar.

* Article from the
* Written by Courtney Southwick
* Medically reviewed by Simone Harounian, M.S.

Please pass this valuable information on to family and friends who
deal with painful leg cramps at this time or any time of the year.
Share the article over at Facebook, Snapchat, What’sApp, Pinterest,
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