Do you suffer from GI (gastrointestinal) issues?
You know, gas, bloating and cramps.
Well, if you want to forgo the pharmacy-Rxs, aka “pills,” and try
some foods, you’re in luck.

Listed below, are the six best foods to add to this week’s
grocery list and soothe your GI issues.

a) Cucumbers-
Now that it’s Summer, make sure to take advantage of all the produce
associated with the Summer months and that includes cucumbers.
They’re (cucumbers) are loaded with salicylic acid, a compound that
calms sensitive pain nerves in the digestive tract. Eat one when
your stomach acts up and you can quell the queasiness in less than 30 mins.
Eat them on a regular basis and lower your risk of future flare ups.
Salicylic acid eases inflammation in the lining of the stomach and small
intestine, improving digestion.

b) Pineapple-
Watermelon always seem to be the top fruit come summer-time, but
if you want to end “gas attacks” eat more pineapple. Pineapple quickly
tamps down the uncomfortable belly bloat, plus cuts your risk of gassiness
by 65%.
The reason for it (pineapple) being so effective are the enzymes, they (enzymes)
quickly break down carbohydrates and fats in the intestines, before sulfur-
forming bacteria can turn them into gas.

c) Strawberries-
Another favorite food during the Summer months and if you want to lower
risks of constipation, eat more strawberries. The red beauties are rich in
anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that encourages gentle muscle
contractions in the intestines to ease constipation.
Eat them a few times a week, if you don’t want any problems in the future.

d) Chicken-
Plan on doing a lot of grilling this Summer? If you want to calm stomach
spasms, grill and bake chicken. Chicken contains an essential amino acid that
your digestive tract uses to make serotonin–a calming hormone that relaxes
spasming stomach muscles and improves digestion. Eat about 4 or 5 oz.
daily, and you’ll reduce your risk of indigestion by 50% and you’ll recover
65% faster if your stomach is upset.

e) Honey-
Heal your digestive tract and you’re less likely to suffer from GI issues
and you can heal it with some good quality raw, dark honey.
Raw honey’s antimicrobial compounds hinder bacterial growth,
preventing GI problems.

f) Bell Peppers-
Add bell peppers to tuna, macaroni or potato salad or cook a few on the
grill and you can tamp down the cortisol, (the stress hormone).
Plus, bell peppers can reduce risks of queasiness, bloating and indigestion
by 75%. Bell peppers have rich stores of flavonoids, plant nutrients that
calm the adrenal glands, reducing the production of the indigestion-fueling
stress hormone cortisol.

* University of Delaware, Research Dept.
* Texas A&M University, Research Dept.
* American Journal of Alternative Health
* University of Conn. Research Scientists
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