Finding Diet Success This Year!

If you’re hoping to shed weight in the next few months
but dread the cravings, the tempting aromas, the (bad)
influences all around you and the between meal
snacking, try some of the tips to stay on track
from people who have lost anywhere from 10
pounds to 200 pounds.

Their secrets:
a) An Apple-
Eat an apple (or two) an hour before your biggest meal
or before your 2 biggest meals.
New research says, eat green apples. They’re less
sweet and help you feel fuller faster and longer.
b) Water-
Everyone who’s been dieting for a year or decades
knows this trick, but today, they say it’s best to have
2 or even 3 glasses of water, before a big meal.
Water expands in your stomach and that
expansion leaves little room for a lot of food.
Important tip: you may want to skip this trick if
you’re working or in class. The extra glass of water
may require more bathroom breaks.
c) Salt-
Yes, we know, a lot of people don’t eat it for health
reasons, but if you’re not salt sensitive or
suffering from high blood pressure, then you may want
to add a 1/2 tsp. of good quality salt to some water
and drink it down. Many people say this trick
has helped tremendously in helping to stop
Another tip: One woman claimed that a glass of salt
water an hour before breakfast helped her lose 10
pounds. Researchers say it may move toxins and
other impurities out of your system.
d) Eat In Reverse-
Many people can’t stand to eat breakfast, so why not
have your dinner for breakfast and your breakfast for
dinner?  Say, you have meatloaf, a baked potato
and some veggies for dinner, have it for breakfast
and if you eat an apple or have a small bowl of cereal
for breakfast, eat it 6 or 7 pm.
The theory behind this suggestion is that many more
people are more active during the morning and
afternoon and less so at night.
Important tip:
If you have a job or classwork that requires you to
function at optimal levels, then you may want to skip
this tip.
e) Go Nuts-
Similar to the water tip mentioned above, but this
version has you adding some nuts to the mix.
Before a big meal,  (15 to 30 minutes)
have 5 to 8 walnuts or 5 to 7 almonds
along with a big glass of water.
Researchers aren’t sure if it’s the water or the nuts that
cause the stomach to stretch, but many people swear by
this diet hack.
f) Eat Protein First-
If you struggle with cravings, portion size, snacking, etc.
try eating your proteins first and then your carbs after that.
Have your salad and eggs or meat and low-carb veggies
first, and then wait 20 to 30 minutes and have
some rice, or pasta, or bread and potatoes.
The proteins may fill you up, thus making you less
likely to go overboard with the pasta, bread or baked
g) Bulletproof Coffee-
A man named Dave Asprey has become the “guru,”
or originator of adding fats to coffee or other hot
beverages to help tamp down cravings and overeating.
Doctor Mark Hyman, says that adding more fat (yes fat)
to your meals can help you get off the yo-yo dieting
ride for good.
What these two have been teaching for the past 5 to 8 years
is that it’s not gluttony, or willpower that’s been causing
many of us to fail when it’s come to dieting, it’s cutting
out fats and going to low fat that’s really the culprit.
So, if you’ve been struggling with cravings and between
meal snacking, go online to Dave Asprey or Dr. Mark
Hyman, or look them up on youtube, for more on how
fats like real butter, lard, coconut oil and tallow may
finally release you from dieting prison.
Also helpful: Go to and type Polish
diet (2004) into the search bar and read how
people in the Polish communities of Milwaukee and
Chicago transformed their health just by eating more fat.

That’s it- and if you have any tips on the best ways
to stop snacking or the endless cravings, send them
to me, I’ll print the best ones.
Thank You!Â