Are you planning on going on a low-carb diet?
Well, most people may endure a low-carb diet for a month
or two, and then go back to the bread, muffins, pasta, and other
decadent carbs.

But, what if we told you there’s one food, many think of as
a protein, (but it’s also considered a carb) that’ll help you
resist the pastries, potatoes and pasta and help you
get into that 2 piece (swimsuit) or bikini in time for the Summer.

The food: Beans.
Beans will give you low-carb results without suffering from
not having carbs.

Need more convincing?
Researchers had people add beans (1/2 to 1 cup) to their 2 biggest
meals for a month and were shocked at the results.
Of all the participants, some had lost 15, 20 and even 25 pounds in
that 30 day period, and if you want the same results and some
more info, please continue reading.

a) Cravings and Fatigue-
Eating a certain way for years trains your brain (and body) to expect
those things (like fat, calories, salt and sugar) and when you decide to
switch things up and go low carb, the cravings and fatigue set in.
But, not this time, thanks to beans, which are a combination of fiber,
protein and other nutrients, your body doesn’t feel deprived, allowing you
to bypass the fatigue and cravings that derail most diets.

b) Target The Problem Areas-
If you ask most people what part where they really want to lose
weight and the majority- will say “the stomach,” and if this applies to you,
make sure to get more beans into your system.
Beans dramatically slow the rate at which carbs in beans are broken down,
meaning- you still get the carbs your body craves, but in a kind of time-released
fashion. This leads to a slower and lower rise of blood sugar and the belly-fat
hormone insulin, thus quickly increasing the melting of belly fat.

c) Eat Less-
Beans are considered a “high volume” food and
if you have problems with portion control, beans are
the perfect food for you. Calorie for calorie, the fiber and
volume in beans make you physically stuffed sooner, helping
you to resist seconds or snacking an hour or two later.

d) Increase Metabolism-
Beans are a resistant starch- (a fiber-like substance that ferments
as it is digested) and this type of fiber naturally heats up your
body’s fat-burning furnace, helping you burn 25% more calories a day.

e) Get More Antioxidants-
When one thinks of antioxidants, one usually thinks of green veggies,
fruit, green tea, and dark chocolate. But what about beans?
The antioxidant levels in some beans rival those you find in greens,
and fruit. And the more antioxidants you get into your system,
the easier it’ll be to lose weight and the healthier you’ll get.

And here’s some more good news:
For those who don’t need to lose weight, here are some
other ways beans will bolster your health.
f) Prevent Diabetes-
Diabetes isn’t just a problem in the U.S. diabetes rates are going up
India and China and to make sure you never hear the words- “you’re
a diabetic,” eat more beans.
Read one of our first posts on a 3 bean recipe that’ll help you
prevent diabetes. The post: The Asian Bean Rx To Prevent Diabetes.

g) Blood Pressure-
Another big problem in the U.S. Eat more beans and lower your
numbers in a matter of weeks.

h) Heart Health-
Want to lower your odds of having a heart attack by 30%?
Eat more beans, and you’ll do it. Beans keep the arteries
clear of plaque.

i) Aches and Pains-
A woman who suffered from joint pain for a number of years,
wanted something other than doctor-prescribed medicine to
alleviate the pain, read an article about beans and their ability
to help you become pain-free.
Long story short, she reduced some of the processed foods
in her diet, and started eating more beans.
Well, it took a few months, but it was worth it, as she no longer
has pain in her ankles, wrists, hips or back.
Beans clear out inflammation in all parts of the body.
Or consider beans, all-natural arthritis pain-relief medication.

j) Concerned About the Gas-
Yes, it’s a big concern, but you can reduce the amount of
gas and stomach upset, just by soaking beans overnight
with a Tbs. of vinegar) and tossing out the water in the
morning. And if you use canned beans, make sure to rinse
them a few times before cooking.
Also look for a product called Beano, or enzyme pills that
help you digest beans gas-free.

k) A Recipe-
A woman lost over 100 pounds in l 1/2 year by eating
beans 5 to 6 days a week and one of her favorite bean
dishes was a Bean Frittata.
1/4 cup of onion, diced
1 cup of bell peppers, seeded and diced
1 Tbs. of olive oil
1 pound of ground beef (or turkey)
1 tsp. minced garlic
1 Tbs. chili powder
1 tsp. cumin
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup salsa
3 cups of cooked lentils, kidney or black beans
4 eggs beaten with 2 (16-oz.) cartons of egg whites

To make:
Saute onion and peppers in oil. Add the beef; when lightly
brown, add garlic, chili powder, cumin and dash of salt.
Brown meat. Mix in salsa. Spray a 9″ X 13″ glass baking
dish with cooking spray. Spread beans on bottom; top with
meat mixture and then egg mixture. Season with salt and
pepper. Bake at 350* F until eggs set, 45 to 50 mins.
Enough for 8 servings.

And one last tip:
If you think a steady diet of beans will get boring, you’re
sadly mistaken, thanks to and,
you can now find hundreds of recipes using beans.

* Maria Rider, Bean Lover and Home Chef
* Cynthia Sass, M.P.H. Author
* Tim Ferris- Author of The 4-Hour Body