The Easiest Ways To Detox After The Holidays!

Did you overindulge this Holiday season?
You know, eating too many sweets, carbs and
other processed foods?
Or did you go overboard, alcohol-wise?
Well, don’t beat yourself up, just look for a simple
solution to remove the toxins from your body.

By doing a Detox.

You know, removing the toxins that cause the
weight gain, headaches, joint pain, fatigue
and brain fog.
This detox doesn’t require you to eat one meal
a day, or drink 2 or 3 kale and spinach smoothies
a day, all that’s require is for to follow the simple
steps listed below.

a) Eat Your Greens-
If you’re not a fan of drinking greens, that’s okay,
you can eat them. Greens like kale, collards, romaine
and Swiss chard, are rich in chlorophyll, a pigment
that neutralizes stored toxins and flushes them out
along with water weight.
An added bonus: Chlorophyll also helps your
liver burn fat for fuel, which boosts your energy levels.
Look for recipes online to make the greens more
appetizing and calorie-friendly.
b) Drink Lemon Water-
You may know all about the benefits of drinking
water with some lemon juice sprinkled in.
New research says that the acid from
lemons promote peristalsis, intestinal
muscle contractions that speed the elimination
of toxins. And for more fat-burning, clean
part of the peel and place it into the water along
with the juice.
Drink one glass of water with 1/2 fresh lemon squeezed
into it and then repeat the process in the evening.
c) Remove the Peels-
If you’re unable to afford organic vegetables and want to
avoid the toxins that may be sitting right on the peel,
just invest in a vegetable peeler.
Remove the peel and you remove about 45% of the toxins.
To remove even more toxins, make sure to cook the
vegetables a little longer, (either on top of the stove
or in the oven.) Try to avoid the microwave-as it only
cooks food for 1 to 5 minutes, not nearly enough time
to remove the toxins.
d) Meat-
Again, if you’re unable to buy top quality meat- organic,
grass-fed, free range, etc, add spices and herbs to them.
Meat that isn’t of the highest quality contains chemicals
that may cause you to gain weight or feel aches and pains,
and to counter this, just add spices and herbs.
Adding basil, cumin, garlic powder, ginger, oregano,
turmeric and rosemary stops up to 70% of
health-depleting toxins from entering into your bloodstream.
Plus, spices are loaded with antioxidants that help your
liver break down harmful toxins before they can enter
your system.
Helpful tip: Use one or more of the spices and rub
on to a piece of chicken, beef, or fish an hour or two
before cooking.
e) More On Vegetables-
Eating the peels of many fruits and vegetables is a great
way to avoid constipation, but you want to make sure
the peels aren’t causing your health issues,
so what do you do to make sure  you’re “regular?”
You may want to take a fiber supplement.
If you want to avoid constipation and irregular
bowel movements, look for Benefiber or Metamucil,
and take according to the directions on the box.
Doing this will not only ensure more bowel movements,
it’ll also help you excrete 35% more toxins and chemicals
from your system.
Important note:
Talk to your doctor before adding any type of
vitamin or supplement to your daily regimen.
f) Veggie Superstars-
Experts were asked what vegetables were best for expelling wastes from the
liver and their answer: Spinach, Asparagus and Avocados.
g) Read This-
The top expert on liver detox today is Nayan Patel, PharmD.
Purchase his book, The Glutathione Revolution, online at
Learn which nutrients he recommends to really get rid of waste in
your liver.

That’s it, make sure when preparing your grocery list 
this week, include the foods that’ll help you detox
the toxins and chemicals out of your system.

Anne Louise Gettleman, Ph.D.
Susan Lark, M.D. and Author

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